Eucerin has some of my favourite skincare that targets common skin issues. It's a well loved brand by dermatologists and highly suitable for sensitive skin as Eucerin has ''fully dermo-cosmetics'' approach. While the packaging and concepts aren't as inviting as with other pharmacy-based French skincare, Eucerin delivers high quality, safe ingredients and advanced German technology. I've always adored their sun care because of fully protected skin without any allergies. We could say that German quality of skincare is pretty similarly compared to German car industry - simple, effective, modern, high quality and no unnecessary embellishments. And there's nearly no coincidence Eucerin comes from same family tree as oldie goldie Nivea - Beiersdorf. Ever since I remember, my mom always used Eucerin targeted skincare for hyperpigmentation. With growing up, I started to trust Eucerin myself. Along with Eucerin Sun protection, I also recommend Even Brighter range for excessive hyperpigmentation, dark spots or acne residue.
Eucerin je vsekakor znamka, ki me že spremlja dolga leta. Je moja najljubša izbira za ciljno zdravljenje kožnih problemov in vsakdanjih tegob. Eucerin je priljubljen med dermatologi in stoji na konceptu popolnega dermokozmetičnega pristopa z medicinskim sodelovanjem. Čeprav Eucerin ni poznan po čudoviti embalaži in nenavadnih konceptih kot ostala skoraj ''načičkana'' francoska podjetja, je še vedno odličen v kvaliteti, varnih sestavinah in napredni nemški tehnologiji. Kar bi skoraj lahko primerjali z avtomobilsko industrijo kjer so Nemci poznani po visoki kvaliteti, čistih linijah, učinkovitosti in modernem pridihu brez nepotrebnih dodatkov. Sama se že leta zanašam na njihovo sončno linijo za zaščito kože ker mi enostavno ne draži kože, ne dobim alergij in čudovito zaščiti bledo kožo. Tudi teksture so lahke ampak učinkovite. Ni naključje, da je tako uspešna znamka pod enakim okriljem kot tradicionalna Nivea - Beiersdorf. Odkar pomnim, sta Nivea in Eucerin stalnica pri moji družini, vključno z nego hiperpigmentacije. Z odraščanjem, sem tudi sama posvojila zaupanje do Eucerina. Poleg zaščitnih krem za sonce, sem navdušena nad Even Brighter linijo že leta, ki se bojuje z odvečno hiperpigmentacijo, pegami, temnimi madeži in ostanki aken.
I've talked about hyperpigmentation previously here. Eucerin Even Brighter Day Cream (50 ml, around 26€ ) is designed to suit any skin type with pigmentation problems. As it's meant to be a daily cream, it contains high sun protection of SPF30 to end further pigmentation production. Along with protection, daily cream also treats darker pigmentation and slowly fades any darker problem areas. B-resorcinol and Glycyrrhetinic acid helps to minimise the production of melanin and boost natural skin renewal. Eucerin claims that with regular use and after 4 weeks, you will notice a difference in saturation of hyperpigmentation. Now let's talk about my own personal experience. With over two months of use, I can surely share my observations. Summer is actually not the most appropriate season to fairly evaluvate hyperpigmentation as the sun naturally brings out melanin even more. I would definitely recommend using potent treatments for melanin in Fall and Winter for more visible results. Surely, an extra sun protection is never a burden. Eucerin Even Brighter Day Cream did minimise my freckles without any harsh chemicals. It did not remove any of my dark spots but only lightened a few areas. Results are mostly visible only on lighter pigmentation area. With main benefit, daily cream also tremendously nourish mature, dry and normal skin types. Texture is quite rich and thick with a slight shiny residue. Daily cream is definitely not a best match for oily skin. It contains generous 50ml that will last you for at least 2-3 months. You can read about ingredients here.
Eucerin Even Brighter dnevna krema (50ml, okoli 26€ na Lekarnar ) je ustvarjena za vsak tip kože, ki ima težave z hiperpigmentacijo. Ker je krema dnevna, vsebuje visok zaščitni faktor 30 za zaščito pred nadaljnjo tvorbo odvečnega melanina. Poleg zaščite, krema prav tako poskrbi za zmanjšanje videza pigmentnih madežev. B-resorcinol in gliciretinska kislina zmanjšata videz pigmenta in spodbujata naravni proces obnove kože. Učinek naj bi bil viden že po 4 tednih z redno uporabo. Po dveh mesecih uporabe naj zaupam še moje lastne izkušnje. Čeprav poletje ni najbolj optimalen mesec za vidne spremembe pigmentnih madežev (sonce naravno potemni madeže čez poletje), so rezultati vseeno vidni. Svetujem sicer, da se za vidnejše učinke lotite nege jeseni ali pozimi. Kljub temu, dobra krema in zaščitni faktor nikakor ne škodujeta tudi poleti. Krema je zmanjšala vidnost svetlejših madežev brez močnih kemikalij kar je dokaj velik dosežek sam po sebi. Nikakor ni vidnejših sprememb na trdovratnejših, temnejših madežih in ne odstranjuje popolnoma pigmentacije. Poleg zmanjšanja melanina je krema prav tako zelo negovalna za zrelo, suho in normalno kožo. Tekstura je bogata in gosta ter pusti zdrav sijaj. Vsebuje dobrih 50ml, ki bodo zdržali vsaj 2-3 mesece redne uporabe. Sestavine is lahko ogledate tukaj.
Eucerin Even Brighter Concentrate (30ml, around 30,50€) is the most potent version of Even Brighter range. If you're striving for best results, Concentrate is the answer. As the name suggest, it's highly concentrated formula of B-resorcinol for effective melanin reduce. 30ml of Concentrate is divided into 6 tubes of 5ml content for fresh texture, Eucerin advises to use Concentrate under Day Cream for the best results. Formula is definitely a lot lighter compared to Day Cream, similar to usual serum texture. It's a bit liquidy but still thick enough to be used on it's own (which I don't recommend without SPF). One tube will last you for around 6-10 applications. I've experienced better results with combination of Concentrate and Day Cream, compared to my previous experiences with only Day Cream. If you're deciding in between these two products, Concentrate is more effective. Still, Day Cream is a lovely multi-purpose day cream with protection, hyperpigmentation reducing ingredients and perfect texture for makeup base. Ingredients are listed here.
Eucerin Even Brighter Koncentrat (30ml, okoli 30,40€ na Lekarnar) je najmočnejša, najučinkovitejša verzija za celoten obraz v Even Brighter liniji. Za najboljši rezultat je koncentrat prava izbira. Kot že samo ime pove, je visoka koncentracija B-resorcinola bolj učinkovita pri manjšanju melanina. 30ml Koncentrata je razdeljenih v 6 tub po 5ml za svežo vsebino. Eucerin priporoča uporabo koncentrata in kreme skupaj za boljši rezultat. Formula je vsekakor lahkotnejša in bolj tekoča, podobna teksturi običajnih serumov. Uporablja se lahko posamično, vendar priporočam hkratno uporabo zaščitnega faktorja. Ena tubica bo dovolj za 6-10 uporab. Vsekakor sem opazila boljše rezultate s kombinacijo koncentrata in kreme kot pa z uporabo same dnevne kreme v preteklosti. Če se odločate za en izdelek iz te linije, svetujem Koncentrat. Kljub temu je dnevna krema čudovit večnamenski izdelek z zaščito, nežnimi sestavinami in odlično teksturo za uporabo pred ličili. Sestavine najdete tukaj.
If you ever want to fight hyperpigmentation or dark spots, Eucerin is your first choice. While there's a lack of products that clinically target hyperpigmentation, Eucerin is actually your best bet. It's safe, effective, non-comedogenic, great makeup base and dermatologically approved. When it comes to bleaching or drastically minimising hyperpigmentation, I wouldn't experiment with unapproved and harsh chemicals as you can do a lot more damage to your skin. Eucerin is available in Europe, usually in pharmacies, online or at dermatologist's office. In Slovenia, Eucerin is in almost every pharmacy, online and DM stores. Wear SPF, stay out of sun and take care of your skin.
Če se želite boriti proti hiperpigmentaciji iz udobja Vašega doma, je Eucerin vsekakor pravšnji naslov. Na tržišču je dokaj pomanjkljiva izbira tovrstnih produktov. Eucerin kozmetika je varna, dermatološko testirana, učinkovita in odlična kot podlaga pred ličili. Ko pogovor steče o beljenju in drastičnem zmanjšanju videza pigmentnih madežev, sama nikakor ne bi eksperimentirala z neodobrenimi kemikalijami ali produkti. Ustvari lahko več škode kot koristi. Eucerin je na voljo v skoraj vsaki lekarni, na spletu in v DM trgovinah. Nanašajte zaščitni faktor, izogibajte se soncu in skrbite za svojo kožo.
This sounds great as I suffer from scarring and uneven skintone :) xx
ReplyDeleteJasmine Talks Beauty
The texture of the Concentrate looks absolutely plush!
I tried the Eucerin Even Brighter Moisturizer and from all the western moisturizers I tried I like it most.
ReplyDeleteEucerin proizvaja res dobre kreme. Nisem še videla to kremo ampak izgleda dobro. Lep review.
I've tried even brighter and it caused a break out an bumps, itchiness all over my face and neck. Is this supposed to happen? I've stopped using the product as after on three uses I reacted.
ReplyDeleteNo, that shouldn't happen. You probably reacted to some ingredients and it's not good to use it. Sorry to hear that.
DeleteHi I've been viewing many blogs about the Eucerin Even Brighter range.
ReplyDeleteYours is extremely informative and very well ended in encouraging safety of using brightening products. I have to say I've enjoyed reading yours the most lol.
Thanks for the info, was thinking of trying some unapproved harsh chemicals because I'm very insecure about my hyperpigmentation. But I have now just purchased all 3 products from the line from boots and look forward to using them.
Hi I've been viewing many blogs about the Eucerin Even Brighter range.
ReplyDeleteYours is extremely informative and very well ended in encouraging safety of using brightening products. I have to say I've enjoyed reading yours the most lol.
Thanks for the info, was thinking of trying some unapproved harsh chemicals because I'm very insecure about my hyperpigmentation. But I have now just purchased all 3 products from the line from boots and look forward to using them.
Yay, hope you'll like it. :) I'm insecure with my freckles too but there's no need to :) The body shop also released a brightening line recently, check out that serum too!
DeleteRes dober post ;) Si slucajno preizkusila tudi korektor iz te linije (spot corrector)?