11 Mar 2015

Yankee Candle Pure Essence Spring 2015

Clearly, Spring has come to town. Fresh air and blossoming flowers make us feel relaxed and energised while focusing on our day to day responsibilities. The same is with Yankee Candle Pure Essence - they released a comforting, relaxing collection of neutral based scents to enjoy. Not overpowering but still feeding the senses with fresh and crisp scents. They are all perfect for adding freshness and calmness to your home, a perfect synergy with Spring. There are three types of scents: Shea Butter, Cassis and Aloe Water.

Kot smo verjetno opazili, se pomlad vztrajno prebija do nas. Svež zrak in cvetoče rastline vplivajo blagodejno na naše počutje pri vsakodnevnih dejavnostih. Za kar je Yankee Candle ustvaril Pure Essence za relaksacijo in udobje v lastnem domu. Vsi trije vonji so osvežilni in sproščujoči, v sinergiji s prebujeno spomladjo. V kolekciji so tako trije vonji: Karitejevo maslo, Črni ribez in voda Aloe

Shea Butter is an addition to ever so popular fresh scents like Clean Cotton and Soft Blanket. It's in the similar ''scent family'' while offering a touch of creaminess. It's not a typical straight forward clean scent but has faded notes of nuts and vanilla. Clean but creamy is what I would call it. If you're already familiar with Shea Butter skincare range from L'Occitane, it smells exactly the same as ever famous Shea Butter Hand Cream. Neutral enough for every day but with a tinge of creamy clean smell. It's quickly becoming a favourite.

Karitejevo maslo je nova pridobitev k svežim vonjem kot so Clean Cotton (čisti bombaž) in Soft Blanket (mehka odeja). Karitejevo maslo je v podobni družini vonjev,  vendar nudi več kremastih not. Ni tipičen čist vonj, ampak ima dodatek oreščkov ali vanilije. Čist, vendar kremni vonj nikakor ni zadušljiv ali neprijeten za vsak dan. Če ste že seznanjeni z vonjem kariteja v kozmetiki, boste spoznali, da je vonj te sveče točno enak. Nevtralen dovolj za vsak dan, vendar še vedno z dodatkom kremne čistosti za osvežitev prostorov. Vonj je hitro postal eden izmed bolj priljubljenih. 

With Aloe Water, you can sense freshly sprouted succulents with morning dew. Pleasant water-like scent with a tinge of nectar sweetness. It's entirely ''out of the box'' scent that would be perfect for a calm evening or relaxed morning. If you love aloe water in general, this would be a perfect fit for you. 

Pri vonju vode Aloe (Aloe Water) se takoj zazna sveže sočnice z jutranjo roso. Ima zelo prijeten, dokaj ''vodni'' vonj s peščico nektarjeve sladkobe. Na hitro ima mogoče melonast vonj, vendar še zdaleč ni tako vpadljiv in moteč. Vonj je dokaj nenavaden za Yankee Candle in je odličen za sprostitev zvečer ali začetek svežega jutra. Če ste na splošno navdušeni nad Aloe izdelki, bi bila ta sveča prava izbira. Aloe Water je tako lahko odlična izbira za darilo, če niste prepričani v pravo izbiro.

Cassis is the most fruity scent out of the whole collection. While fruity scents can be overpowering and sickening, Cassis has a great balance of bitter and sweet. It's not too sweet but still spa-like and bitter-sour for every day. You can detect green notes with dark, bitter-sweet fruits.  Not everyone's cup of tea but with a sophisticated level of brightness. Also, Cassis has the most powerful fragrance out of three.

Črni ribez ima najbolj sadne note v omenjeni trojici. Medtem ko so lahko nekateri sadni vonji zelo močni in osladni, ima črni ribez odlično ravnovesje sladkega in grenkega. Ker ni presladek, bi bil odličen kot dodatek jogi ali meditaciji. Pri vonju se zaznajo temni, malce grenki sadeži z notami zelenja. Vonj sicer ne bi bil prva izbira večine, vendar ima določeno stopnjo prefinjenosti z grenkobo. Črni ribez je tudi najmočnejši vonj med Pure Essence svečami. 

All three are really likable, neutral scents that compliment fresh, spring season. They are all quite self explanatory and straightforward. My personal pick is Aloe Water: succulent based with a sweet tinge. Yankee Candles are sold worldwide. In Slovenia, you can find Yankee Candle online, Yankee Candle store on Nazorjeva ulica 12, Ljubljana. 

Vse tri sveče so zelo všečne z nevtralno bazo in svežino. Pure Essence kolekcija zajema točno določene, enostavne vonje. Moja osebna najljubša izbira je Aloe Water s sladko sočnico. Yankee Candle je dosegljiv na spletu in v Yankee Candle trgovini na Nazorjevi ulici 12, Ljubljana. Yankee Candle se prodaja tudi v Vonj Narave na Prečni ulici 2, Ljubljana; Gubčeva ul.4, Celje in Citycenter Celje. Cene svečk in voskov rangirajo od 1,99€ do 24,90€.


  1. Shea butter is one of my favourite scents, this sounds delicious :) x


  2. They all sound and look lovely! <3 want to try a new candle but not sure which one to go for next! <3


  3. These look great! Would love to add them to my candle collection :)

  4. Shea Butter praviš, da je potem podobna Soft Blanket? Škoda, da imamo v NM samo v Müllerju bolj bogo zbiro YC, bi me zanimala vsaj mini svečka :) Soft Blanket bi pa tako rada imela pravo svečo, ampak je tako draga :/

  5. Shea butter <3

  6. Oh my gosh I didn't know Shea Butter was out so soon! Great review, I desperately need to go shopping now :)!!


  7. Tele tri vse tako lepo dišijo <3

  8. I absolutely adore Yankee Candles! The quality and scents always surprises me and these sounds amazing! I might give it a go xx



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