28 Feb 2015

Fully Powdered & Matte with Amway Artistry

People with skin issues like to efficiently cover imperfections, that's a fact. While I don't suffer with any acne issues, I was pretty miserable with my freckles. Over the years, I've seem to partly resign my hatred toward my skin. Fun part about makeup is definitely option to be or look like someone else. Now and then, I utterly enjoy wearing full coverage foundation and still walk into a store barefaced on another occasion. Whereas there's loads of liquid full cover foundations on the market, it's still hard to find a full coverage powder (not counting mineral makeup). Amway's Artistry line offers just what I've missed - a full coverage, perfecting, matte powder. Supposedly perfect for topping up your liquid foundation without caking and luminous shells to brighten entire complexion. 

Packaging is pretty glorious with golden top, inside mirror and special compartment for sponge. Quite comparable to high end makeup packaging. Product itself can be bought alone as a refill, meaning less costs over time. While packaging is sturdy, the price itself for it (23,50€, here) is pretty self-explanatory. Powder is around 29,70€ (here). For such a high price, I expect the best - it's almost in the same price range as Dior or Chanel. If we focus on powder itself, we'll find that initial claims are fairly true. Yes, it has a pretty darn medium-full coverage, while it mattifies. Also, it doesn't cake up and almost acts like a mineral powder. On the other hand, I haven't noticed any perfecting nor brightening skills. It also has SPF 20.

I'm stunned that they also have a massive variety of colors-from neutral and yellow to pink undertones. Finally a powder that's light enough for my skintone, yet it doesn't oxidise throughout the day. My perfect pick is Chablis, the lightest and coolest powder they have. Now, the main problem is compatibility with my dry skin. While I don't need dry and matte effect on my skin, powder offers right that. I would recommend powder to all of you, who have oily skin type and suffer with problematic areas. Powder sets liquid foundation wonderfully but in my ''dry skin case'', I get exaggerated dry areas. Nonetheless, powder is a perfect match for oily skin types. While I will fairly enjoy using this powder over certain hyper pigmentation spots, I won't use on my T-zone. As for the price, I can't really say if it's fair. Powder itself is made in Japan which make me think about exquisite quality, but not too sure how many people will actually pay around 50€ for a single powder. The choice is after all, on your side. As far as I know, Amway Artistry is sold through Amway Insiders - similar concept to Avon and Oriflame. Which makes it also a bit hard to get.


  1. Loving your lipstick shade though and yea the price seems a bit steep :/
    Maliha Rao / Red Alice Rao

  2. This sounds like a lovely product and the packaging is so luxurious!


  3. Fab review, I adore the packaging of this powder. This sounds perfect for me as I suffer from oily skin - I’m just not sure I could justify that amount for a face powder :(

    Charlee XO | CharmedCharlee

    1. yes, it's pretty steep. Prices also vary upon country :)


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