8 Apr 2013

Sleek Sunset palette

Spring is here and Summer is getting near- what better way to celebrate it with bright colors.
Sleek Sunset palette is perfect for both seasons- with bright blue and warm earthy tones.
I'm all over burgundy and red tones since they compliment my fair skin quite well.

Sleek Sunset paletka vsebuje čudovit barvni spekter ki je primeren za pomlad in poletje.
Sunset barve so me takoj pritegnile potem ko sem preizkusila pigmentacijo pri drugih Sleek paletkah.
Vse Sleek izdelke lahko najdete TUKAJ
Pigmentacija je super in senčke so lepo mazljive ter dovolj ''mehke''.
Trenutno me navdušujejo barvni toni v vijoličnih, rdečih, bordo odtenkih ki so malo drugačni od nevtralnih tonov a še vseeno ne izgledajo ceneno in kričeče.

 The texture of palette is great- each shadow is really pigmented and buttery smooth.
However, I did expect the blue to pop out even more - or is it cuz' of opposite spectrum shades?

Vse senčke v Sunset paleti so zelo pigmentirane kljub nekaterim Sleek paletam ki lahko vsebujejo kakšno senčko, ki ni pigmentirana. Pri nanašanju nisem opazila drobljenja ali odvečnega prašenja.
Mogoče bi lahko bila modra senčka malce bolj pigmentirana kot sicer- ali pa sem imela prevelika pričakovanja ker je iz nasprotnega barvnega spektra.

For the small price you're paying (about 10€)- this palette is definitely worth to invest in.
The colors are super gorgeous and vary from plum, reds to coppers, golds, pinks and blue.
Two of the shades also have a slight duochrome effect (plum and warm pink).
I would suggest this palette to those who like warm tones- even the fair girls can make it work!

Za tako majhno ceno (10,75 €) toplo priporočam Sleek Sunset.
Vsebuje skoraj vse barve - od slivove, rdečkastih, bakrenih, zlatih, roza in modrih barv.
Primerna za tiste ki obožujejo tople tone- tudi za svetlopolte punce!
Nekateri odtenki imajo tudi majhen duochrome efekt (slivova in topla roza).
Celoten Sleek asortiman lahko najdete na Zapikonai : http://www.zapikonai.si/
Zapikonai lahko najdete tudi na Twitterju (TUKAJ) in Facebooku (TUKAJ).

PROS (+): highly pigmented, great color selection, travel friendly
+ zelo pigmentirane, super barvni spekter, priročno za potovanje

CONS (-): blue bothers me in the mix
- modra barva mi osebno ne paše v mix barv
Rating/Ocena: B+


  1. palete su prekrasne,gledala sam ih jučer na njihovoj stranici

  2. I love this! Sunset is my favourite Sleek palette of all time. Such beautiful colours. Love the coppers and reds x

  3. Wau zaradi teh tvojih swatchev bi jo rada imela :)

    1. Tudi jaz je prej nisem opazila- začela sem jo gledati ko sem se navdušila nad bordo senčili :D

  4. I have some palette of sleek too, but i don't like them too much because of the fall-out... how is with this one?? (PS sorry for the bad english :P)

    1. Definitely less fall out and more buttery as the Storm or Au Naturel. Black shade is really pigmented (black in the Oh so special sucks).

  5. Yay! I need to comment although I don't want to add one more sleek item to my wish list...
    Fully support u on doing post in 2 languages!
    Good girl, that's something I wish I can do more frequently too!

    1. Takes so much time to write in 2- but for a change it's nice :)

  6. The colours look incredibly pigmented! :D

  7. Prekrasna paletka! Na slikah me nikoli ni prepričala, ker sem dvomila, kako bi sploh uporabila takšne barve, samo po tvojih swatchih bi jo pa takoj imela, gre na wishlist :)

    1. Niso napačne ko enkrat sprobaš :) skupaj zgledajo preveč-kičasto. ko pa pogledaš vsako posebej pa so super.

  8. Beautiful palette! I love Sleek <3 x

  9. ful dobr barve in super pigmentacija! i want :D

  10. I love how bright these colours are !

  11. Wow they are so pigmented! They are beautiful shades!


I would love to know your thoughts ♥