20 Sept 2014

Kardashian Beauty Impressions, Review and Swatches

 Kardashian Beauty got a lot of attention when it was firstly launched as Khroma Beauty, which was expected since it's a cosmetic brand directly from famous Kardashian sisters. That's why we expect even more performance than usual, considering they always wear flawless makeup (not that I expect they use these products). I do however appreciate it being made in USA, which is pretty rare these days when the China factories are so popular. Kardashian Beauty is available on Click2Chic to Slovenian readers and widely available on FeelUnique.

Kardashian Beauty je že nedavno, ob samem začetku Khrome, dobila dovolj pozornosti zaradi slavnih sester Kardashian. Ker so same vedno popolno naličene, imam zato še večja pričakovanja okoli njihove kozmetične linije. Dodaten plus te znamke je vsekakor to, da so vsi izdelki narejeni v ZDA. Kardashian Beauty je na voljo tudi v Sloveniji na strani največje spletne drogerije Click2Chic. Cene se gibljejo od 9,96-21€.

Let's start with popular En-joystick lip pencil, which is my favorite out of the bunch. I was actually pretty impressed with everything - pigmentation, longevity, comfort and scent. Everything comes in a medium sized pencil form which looks pretty cheap at first glance (being totally honest). However, once you try the product you'll be converted. Product has a lovely creamy and highly pigmented finish that hugs the lips really nicely. That's why is both- comfortable to wear and moisturising at the same time. Worry free product in my eyes, although reds raise fear in me. Longevity is around 5-7 hours without drinking or eating. It smells pretty fantastic, once you open the bullet you'll get a strong vanilla scent that lasts. The one and only complaint is the price and amount. You get 1g of product for whooping 13€. That's like a third of normal lipstick. But I guess I forgive it because of great formula and I'm even considering trying out lighter colors (once they're on sale). I have Rose Parade which is a neutral red with blue undertones. It's actually hard to describe. It leans very blue on my skin yet it can look warm on yellow skin tones (like my sister). I personally do not enjoy red lipsticks but this might make it in my permanent collection. I prefer to use it as a stain (cherry pink-red when sheered out) rather than full-on color.

En-joystick šminka v obliki svinčnika je vsekakor moja najljubša izbira. Bila sem navdušena nad vsem - tako pigmentacijo, nanosom, teksturo, vonjem. Embalaža izgleda na prvi pogled zelo nedodelana, vendar je sam izdelek resnično dober. Ta produkt ima zelo kremno teksturo, je močno pigmentiran in hkrati se ne premakne, ko ga nanesemo na ustnice. Zelo lepo nekako...objame ustnice in se ne premakne do 5-7 ur. Diši zelo močno po vaniliji, kar je meni osebno zelo všeč. Edini minus, ki sem ga zasledila s to šminko je cena in teža vsebine. En-joystick ima samo 1g produkta, kar je le tretjina navadne šminke za okoli 14€. Ampak glede na izredno dobro formula, produktu mogoče celo oprostim. Odtenek Rose Parade je nevtralna rdeča z modrim podtonom. Na toplo obarvani koži lahko celo izgleda topla rdeča, medtem ko na hladnih podtonih izgleda hladno rdeča. Ponavadi sovražim rdeče odtenke, vendar bo tale odtenek mogoče celo ostal v moji kolekciji. Lahko se nanaša na ustnice kot ''stain'' v barvi češnje (desno) ali kot polno obarvana šminka (levo).

Honey Stick in Raw Honey is a standard lipgloss that's not sticky. It has a pleasant texture yet I find it a bit annoying when I'm applying it on my lips. The applicator is quite small and gets out a small amount so you'll need to ''dig out'' a couple of times for some opacity. Scent is again- a strong vanilla that makes you want to eat cupcakes. Secretly I'm wishing it would smell like real honey as the name suggests. Raw Honey is a light pearlescent pink with grey undertones. It's actually quite lovely on the lips, especially on people with cool undertones. It's priced at about 11€.

Honey Stick v barvi Raw Honey je nelepljiv lipglos, ki diši zelo močno po vaniliji (na žalost ne diši po medu). Ima dokaj udobno teksturo, vendar me moti aplikator, ki ne zajame dovolj produkta. Pri nanašanju je treba tako paziti na več plasti za višjo prekrivnost. Raw Honey je svetlo roza z zelo diskretnimi lesketajočimi delci. Stane okoli 11€ na Click2Chic.

Nail Polish in Perfection Perfection is truly a perfect mix of coral for my pale fingers. Usually coral shades pull too orange for my taste and it looks kind of ridiculous on fair skin. Has a standard, fairly thin brush that makes application easy. You get full opacity with 2 coats. Longevity was not impressive but just okay.  It retails for around 9,96€.

Lak v barvi Perfection Perfection je mešanica koralne in roza barve. Barva je naravnost čudovita za svetlopolte punce, saj ni preveč oranžna vendar je hkrati še vedno koralna. Mogoče bi ji celo lahko rekla pastelno koralna. Ima dokaj tanek čopič in nisem imela problemov z nanašanjem. Z dvema slojema dobimo popolno prekrivnost. Obstojnosti ne morem ravno komentirati, saj na mojih nohtih laki ne zdrži več kot 2 dni (razen nekaj izjem). Lak stane dobrih 9,96€ na Click2Chic.

All in all I'm impressed. I was determinated on the beginning I would actually hate the entire line and nothing really stood out for me. Packaging wise, I would prefer better En-joystick pencil packaging. Otherwise I do dig the whole rose gold detail. All products are fairly enjoyable but it's the price point that kills half of the fun for the customer. I would highly recommend to try out their En-joysticks, gloss and nail polish can wait. You can check out Kardashian Beauty on Click2Chic here

Nad vsemi produkti sem navdušena. Nisem bila prepričana, če mi bo kateri izdelek sploh všeč, vendar sem zadovoljna s kakovostjo. Embalaža na En-joystick produktih bi lahko bila boljša. Vsi produkti so dokaj dobri, vendar je cena tista, ki ubije nekaj zabave. Predvidevam da so višje cene zaradi stroškov izdelave v ZDA (potencialno tudi bolj kakovostni izdelki). Zelo priporočam En-joystick šminke, ostala dva produkta lahko mogoče počakata. Kardashian Beauty si lahko ogledate in naročite tukaj.


  1. Šminka. <3 Jaz sem nad mojim lakom tudi navdušena. Pri prvem sloju sem pričakovala, da bo slabo prekriven, ker imam malce bolj vodeno formulo, ne tako kremasto, ampak je tudi prekriven v dveh slojih. :)

  2. Šminka je prekrasna :) Gloss bi imela pa samo zaradi vonja, ampak sem še vedno čisto zaljubljena v L'Orealovo L'Extraordinaire. Lak imam pa enak, samo ga še nisem sprobala.

  3. Super objava, tudi jaz imam v načrtu podobno! :)

    Imam pa tiste druge glosse, bolj debele - in dišijo po medu.

    Najbolj všeč mi je šminka <3

  4. Nice colours, especially that red s stunning. :)

  5. Šminka je res krasna. Js mam njihov bronzer in mi je tudi všeč, ampak se mi pa zdijo cene malo zasoljene. Pa pri samem izgledu izdelkov bi se lahko malo bolj potrudile ;)

  6. The En-Joystick looks gorgeous, such a beautiful shade! <3 xx


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