9 Feb 2015

Defining Nude with Essence Lipsticks: Swatches, Dupes, Comparison

With massive explosion of nudes, I'm doubting you're not searching for your favourite defining nude lipstick by now. They're deep enough to define and accentuate your lips yet they are subtle enough for careless day errands. Honestly, I'm currently in a place, where I'm quite discouraged to wear bright lipsticks, ''too made up'' looks put me off. I could call it a phase or blame extensive ''nude spreading fire''. Essence is definitely not the first place where I would look for my perfect nude. However, color selection and creamy lip liners were a delightful surprise for my newbie obsession.

Essence Longlasting Nude Lipsticks (2,49€, drugstores) caught my attention with new corresponding color packaging. There are 5 shades of different nudes, ranging from extra light to dark nudes. Formula is creamy with no more than 2-3 hours of wear. Personally, texture is a bit too slippery for my taste, while these kind of nudes actually don't need extra work. I wouldn't reach for vibrant colors in Essence line though. They are fully opaque with two generous layers. Yes, touch ups are a necessity and your cup will be left with a nude stain. I love Nude is a limited edition collection that will be permanently available on Essence counters.

05 Cool Nude is a dark brown-rose, a universal lipstick color for all skin tones. Supposedly it's a dupe for Max Faux lipstick (comparison here). Got your attention? In my younger years I would never even reconsider similar types of color but getting older, I'm pretty intrigued by defining neutrals like this. Looks pretty boring in the tube but worn with a smokey eyes it will make all the difference. I've paired Cool Nude with Essence lip liner 05 Soft Berry, a perfect fit.

03 Come Naturally has a lovely balance of grey, pink and nude that allows it to be a perfect pick for fair skin tones and cooler undertones. It definitely won't look too light, brown or orange - which are common ''nude problems'' on light skin. I've paired it with Essence 06 Satin Mauve lip liner to extend longevity and adding extra definition.

You can most certainly notice, there's no spot on match with my higher end lipsticks. But keeping one eye closed, there's a similarity between 03 Come Naturally, Catrice Mauve Your Lips and Topshop Naturist. Actually, they could be really bonded sisters, but not twins. Come Naturally is only slightly more darker, difference is unnoticeable once they're on the lips. Dior Extreme Addict Incognito is also almost spot on, however Come Naturally is more mauve/purple toned. 05 Cool Nude is more rosy than famous Mac Viva Glam II. On pigmented lips, there's no major difference.

Although Essence lipsticks might not have the most perfect formula, you can't really miss with low price and wearable shades. I would recommend picking up these low budget, Mac dupable colors. If you already have a massive collection of nudes and mauves, these will be lost on the bottom of your drawer. 2,49€ is a totally acceptable price for an average lipstick with extensive color selection.


  1. There are so many lovely shades here! I can't wait for them to launch where I live.


    1. Hopefully as soon as possible <3 But Jordana Modern Matte has pretty similar colors too (with better texture).

  2. Se mi zdi, da sta ta dva odtenka res najbolj popularna. Sama obožujem Cool Nude, ker je "my lips but better" odtenek in ga res lahko kombiniram s katerimkoli lookom. :)

  3. Evo, od tebe sem čakala oceno teh dveh šmink, ker se vedno potrudiš poiskat tudi podobne odtenke :D Danes sem šla po dolgem času v naš Müller in je bilo stojalo s to kolekcijo dobesedno izropano tako, da je očitno nekdo tudi testerje ukradel od teh dveh odtenkov. Novih stvari pa seveda še ni... Ampak, tudi sicer nisem prepričana, da bi taki odtenki bili zame. Na vseh, ki ste že ocenile te šminke izgledajo super, na meni bi pa se bojim, da bi Come Naturally bil previjolčen in Cool Nude preveč rjav. No, bom videla, ko bojo nove stvari dosegle tudi NM :)

    1. Ja, Come Naturally bi ti bil previjolčen (ker ti že Catrice lip liner ni bil všeč). Cool Nude ima pa čisto tapravo razmerje, je pa res videti dolgočasna. Mogoče izgleda za odtenek bolj rjava na slikah kot pa je v resnici :)

  4. Mene sprva te nove nude šminke od Essence niso pritegnile, ker še nekako nisem našla nobenega nude odtenka, ki bi mi pristajal (razen npr. Essence Natural beauty), tako da se na veliko izogibam nude šminkam nasplošno..ampak me je zdaj ta Come Naturally res pritegnil, ker ni čist rjav, pa ravno sem kupila ta Satin Mauve lip liner..tako, da mogoče mi pa še pristane v košarici. :P

    1. No, Natural Beauty je samo bolj roza verzija Cool Nude, zato ti bodo v živo verjetno všeč OBA odtenka ;)

  5. Cool Nude je čudovit, nažalost sem tudi jaz naletela na izropano stojalo ampak definitivno kupim ta odtenek, morda pa me še kakšen pritegne :) tebi pa oba odlično pristajata!

    1. v živo so še lepši, slike so malce pretemne in izgleda ''tasivkast'' preveč vijoličen :)

  6. Oba odtenka sta lepa, ampak tudi mene ni navdušila obstojnost Essence šmink. Tiste, ki jih imam doma rada uporabljam, vendar mislim da novih ne bom kupovala - si bom rajši privoščila kakšno obstojnejšo.
    Me pa zanima kam barvno pade moja najljubša šminka od Essence (Barely there), ker se mi zdi ful podoben odtenek kot Come naturally. :)

    1. Ja, zelo podobna odtenka- verjetno ne potrebuješ obeh ker sem oba imela tudi jaz na WL. Najbolje da pogledaš v živo ko bodo v redni prodaji :)

  7. Odtenka izgledata čudovito na tebi.:) Zelo lepe fotografije;). Sem gledala te odtenke že v tej LE, pa se nisem mogla odločit za nobenega. Mogoče bom še enkrat pregledala, ko bodo nove stvari spet dopolnjene:).

  8. I love Essence lippies! They are so creamy & feel nice on the lips. I have a few berry shades. I think I need to add both these Nude colours to my collection

  9. Noro dobra odtenka res, komaj čakam da kupim, vendar sem tudi jaz naletela na izropano stojalo :(



  10. Obe ti ful pašeta :) Jaz sem samo Come naturally kupila ampak še nisem ziher, da mi je všeč. Pa moti me, da ima vonj po voščenkah...

  11. Essence are like the best! <3 love the look of both those lippies as it's the colour i would go for xx


  12. Both shades look so pretty! xo

  13. Po vsaki prebrani objavi se odlocim, da ta odtenka res potrebujem. Ko pridem pa do stojala me pa rnostavno ne prepricata. Sem pa dobila Lip Hug od MR v taki nude barvi in ga zadnje dni neprestano nosim. Verjetno rabim se kaksen drug nude odtenek 😜

  14. Te so res hude <3

    Jaz sem popolnoma navdušena nad 03 odtenkom! <3

  15. Jaz sem kupila Come Naturally kak teden nazaj pa ga še kar nisem sproblala. Nekako tudi meni niso Essence šmink wau. I don't know. Bom pa sprobala na tej šminki tisti trik, ki si ga včeraj linkala v skupino :D

  16. Oh, mislim, da moram it kupit Come Naturally. Na tebi izgleda prečudovito!!

  17. love it! beautiful lipsticks :) too bad we have only 3 shades available in usa

    1. You'll get them with time (like we usually get Maybelline after a few months) :)

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