24 Aug 2013

NYX Lipgloss Overview

In my last empties post (here) I already mention NYX Round lipglosses.
My first ever NYX lipgloss was sent to me by lovely Charlene and I used the heck out of it. 
So I continued trying out other shades and finishes...
In general I can say NYX lipglosses are one of my favourite ones.
They're not sticky, they smell delicious and the opacity is honourable enough to compare it with sheer lipsticks.

Že v objavi o porabljenih izdelkih (tukaj) sem NYX glosu za ustnice podala pozitivno oceno. 
Ker sem bila navdušena nad mojim prvim NYX glosom sem se odločila preizkusiti tudi ostale barve.
Na splošno bi lahko rekla da so NYX bleščila moja najljubša saj niso lepljiva, dišijo slastno in njihova prekrivnost je skoraj podobna rdečilom za ustnice.

NYX Round lipglosses come in round tubes with girly lace and heart print.
I choose colors in Peach (RLG13) and Doll Pink (RLG08).
The opacity with these lipglosses is a hit or a win - depending which color you choose.
They're not sticky but you have to be careful to achieve even application on the lips.
They are a bit slippery so I recommend you to layer it over matte lipstick or concealer.
Peach is a bit on sheer side with glitters but Doll Pink is actually pretty opaque bright purple fuchsia.
The entire Round lipgloss range smells like a sour candy - you will either hate it or love it.

NYX Round bleščila prihajajo v punčkastih tubah z srčki in dizajnom čipk.
Izbrala sem si barve Peach in Doll Pink.
Prekrivnost the bleščil je odvisna od same barve, nekatera so lahko manj ali bolj prekrivna.
Pri teh glosih ni niti sledu o lepljivosti vendar je potrebna natančna aplikacija za enakomerno prekrivnost.
So lahko malce spolzki zato jih svetujem uporabljati preko mat šminke ali pudra. 
Peach je srednje prekrivna marelična barva z bleščicami medtem ko je Doll Pink zelo prekrivna vijolična-fuksija.
Celotna Round kolekcija diši kot gumi bonboni.

NYX Mega Shine lipglosses are in my opinion more opaque than Round lipglosses.
The design is also super cute - bows on top of the tube.
I picked out brownish-nude Natural (LG122) and reddish Copper Penny (LG144) with shimmer.
The smell of these is to die for - like sweet cherry gum/lollipop or mint candy.
Again, depends upon your luck.
They are easy to apply, full coverage and far away from being sticky.
The only thing that bothers me is the access leaking of lipgloss with every application.

NYX Mega Shine glosi so dokaj bolj prekrivni kot Round glosi.
Izbrala sem odtenka Natural in Copper Penny v bolj nevtralnih barvah. 
Dišijo sanjsko - kot češnjeve lizike ali čigumi.
So zelo dobro prekrivni in enostavni za enakomeren nanos.
Edino kar me moti je odvečen lipglos ob vsaki uporabi, ko se tuba zapre.

L to R: Doll Pink, Peach, Natural, Copper Penny

Choosing between Mega Shine and Round lipglosses I prefer Mega Shine.
But Round lipglosses do have a bigger selection of colors.
On my lips below you can see Peach and Doll Pink.

Osebno so mi ljubši Mega Shine vendar imajo Round bleščila večjo barvno paleto.
Na spodnjih slikah sta poslikana Round bleščila Peach in Doll Pink.

Doll Pink is my absolute favorite considering color
You can easily achieve bold lip with this purple-toned pink.
I almost forgot to mention that NYX lipglosses are super affordable (around 2-5$).
Do keep in mind to look for online swatches before you buy any NYX stuff- their color scheme is a bit tricky for comparison. You can get NYX lipglosses with international shipping on Cherry Culture or BeautyJoint. For Slovenian readers it's more convenient to buy them from Mojadrogerija.si since shipping can be quite expensive.NYX Mega Shine's are 5$ and Round are 2,25$.

Doll Pink je moj favorit če izbiram po sami barvi. Z lahkoto lahko dobim močno pigmentiran nanos skoraj neonsko vijolične-roza. NYX lipglosi so cenovno zelo ugodni - od 3-7€. NYX glose lahko dobite tudi v slovenski spletni trgovini Mojadrogerija.si Na voljo so vsi odtenki razen Copper Penny. Mega Shine (tukaj) stanejo okoli 7€, medtem ko Round glosi (tukaj) le 3€.


  1. fajn ocena:) peach in natural sta mi zelo všeč:)

  2. Doll pink looks good on you, but for myself I prefer natural, or peach cause I don't look good in pink. But hope they come with a brown /plum/ and wine choice

    1. Of course, there's loads of choices. Btw, does Nyx test on animals?

    2. No, they don't they are cruelty free :)

  3. Doll Pink pa res izgleda super na tebi. Mislim, da bo kmalu moral postati moj, res izgleda krasno. :)

  4. Doll Pink je res ful lep, sem tudi sama čisto obsedena z njim ratala. Mi pa tale Peach tut ful lepo zgleda... :)

    Sandra - The Puzzle of Sandra's Life

  5. I love the Mega Shine Lipglosses, they are amazing! This summer I wore Dolly Pink alot!!



  6. Super post in ocena, pa same lepe barve, zelo ti pašejo :)


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