29 May 2013

DIY Perfume Display (Easy way) and Perfume Collection

Searching for a glass tray is not that easy.
I was searching for a mirrored glass for my perfumes for the longest time until my boyfriend got an amazing idea.
He saw my holographic paper and suggested to make my own perfume tray/display (or whatever).
So I was feeling kind of creative...

It's actually really simple- you only need:
  • Cardboard
  • Scissors/ Sharp art knife
  • Any kind of self-adhesive paper from art stores
  • Ruler (optional)  

1.You can see I already cut out a circle from the cardboard - you can use a pin and a string for it.
2. Measure the picked self-adhesive paper and cut it out a bit larger than the cardboard so you can ''seal the edges'' on the end.
3. Place the paper on the cardboard and start removing the protecting foil on only 1 edge.
4. Gradually remove the protecting foil from paper and slowly straighten the surface (to prevent any bumps and lines).
5. When you finish- cut up the edge so it can be ''tucked'' over the other side of the display.

Hope you find it helpful- I'm sorry for my small vocabulary around art/crafting work.
You should end up with a straight plate- I used fingers to slowly straighten any air bumps.
Once you stick your paper on the cardboard you can't really correct the mistakes.
However nobody will see them once it's covered with perfumes.
And if you choose pattern/hologram paper it's less obvious to see mistakes.

Do you have any DIY posts? 
I'm always on a hunt for fun ideas.


  1. Looking at the pumpkin cinnamon on your stash sounds amazing, haven't smell the KP perfumes yet

    1. Sniff them, the third one is coming out this year too :)

    2. I will , hope they stay long, most of the time celebrity perfumes don't linger long by me ,

  2. It looks great. And it's more interesting than a regular mirror.

    Heidi’s Wanderings

  3. Res krasno tole izgleda. Nekje moram poiskati holografski papir in tole narediti, da bo malce lepše izgledalo na moji polici. :)

    Res imaš krasno kolekcijo parfumov, same kjut stekleničke. :)

    1. Hvala! Jaz sem ga našla v ART-u, sploh nisem vedela da je nalepka :D

  4. Ful dobr :) Pa še ceneje si skoz prišla , kot če bi kupila stojalo. Jst bom verjetno tudi probala kaj takega

  5. This looks really cute! Great idea. Great perfume selection! :)


  6. Luštna ideja! Jaz imam zaenkrat parfume kar v kopalnici v omari, ker drugje nimam placa. :D

  7. Res super ideja! In imaš tudi dober okus za parfume (:

    p.s: nice blog!

  8. Oh it looks great and fantastic. Easy to make. Thank you for this idea :) I guess I will upgrade it with several layers for higher display :D
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