21 Mar 2013

1st experience with Indie make up: Darling Girl

I'm in LOVE.
Since the first order - there's no way back to regular make up routine.
My first experience with Darling Girl just blew me away.
Regular (and expensive) eye shadows and blushes seem plain comparing them to DG.
Susan (owner) of the DG- welcomed me to their group of amazing Glamour girls (check HERE).
All girls are super friendly and artistic- highly suggest to check out their blogs too.
My order went straight ahead to the shiny, duochrome shades- Darling Girl masters duochromes!

Susan suggested me Tin Man - a silvery shade with strong green flash and pink shimmers.
I wish I could capture this beauty- shimmers and glitters are not camera friendly ( try it yourself! ). 
I was so intrigued by this shade I even took time to photograph my look with it - I can be preeeeety lazy about that. 
I'm already on my 2nd order and can't get enough of their eyeshadows and blushes.
Did I mention I'm also wearing Darling Girl Blushing Heart blush - wine pink with golden specks. 
Blush stayed on me the entire day - CRAZY! 
I experienced that only with Tarte.

From my heart- I warmly suggest you to check out Indie brands.
I was always underestimating them cuz' of the look and loose pigments.
Boy, I was wrong. Their make-up quality is even better than majority of high-end brands.
There's no manipulation- you're just paying for good quality products made with heart and amazing prices.
Darling Girl has every week Color of the Week (COTW) chosen by Glamour Girls and 20% off that shade.
You can check Darling Girl HERE and say hello to sweet Susan!
Bloggers can also get a We Love Blogger pack (for 1$) HERE with 4 sample baggies and a lip color!


  1. This is very interesting. Can you tell what indie makeup is exactly? I feel like I've never heard of it, but have used it before. Is it just makeup that people have made on their own? I've gotten eye shadows homemade from shops on Etsy before and they were super pigmented and wonderful.

    1. Yeah, kind of small companies that have their own online shop? Lime Crime,Sugarpill were indie brands until they got big :P There's loads of them on Etsy since they're ''homemade''- you should check out Geek Chic- game inspired collections. They have Game of Thrones too! :D

    2. Wow! I just checked out Geek Chic and I love the Game of Thrones eye shadows!!!! (commented but have yet to go through everything yet haha)I think I may have to try their stuff sometime.

    3. Yay, I knew you would like it ;)

  2. Ravno zanč sem razmišljala, da bi lahko naročila kakšne indie senčke, ker so ful lepe. Tale senčka izgleda fantastično na tebi!

    1. Hvala!
      Poglej še Geek Chic še imaš rada tematike in nenavadne barve :D

  3. Gorgeous colour! I'm definitely going to have to place an order with them! x

  4. You look so amazing in Darling Girl! I love Blushing Heart blush, it's one of my newest favorites. Now you're addicted like the rest of us, heehee! ;) Since i began using indie a few years ago, I seriously don't buy drugstore or name-brand eyeshadow. Never. But I have literally hundreds of indie shadows! And blush, and lippies... I have a problem, lol. :D
    What lipcolor are you wearing by the way? It's gorgeous!<3

    1. Oh my <3 I'll become the same then haha :D
      I'm wearing mixed Sleek Amped and Revlon Berry Haute.

  5. Zelo lep make-up in senčka je čudovita, verjamem da je v živo še lepša :) Tole Darling Girl si bom definitivno pogledala :)

    Lovely Little Lux-uries

  6. Such a gorgeous color! I have some samples from them I really need to use more, it's such nice makeup! xx - Boho Vanity

  7. Wow tole pa moram pregledat pa kaj naročit :D

  8. SO pretty!

    Have a Beautifully Blessed day ~ Jayma



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