15 Dec 2012

Asian goodies Review: Missha & Etude House

My favorite Korean brands are definitely Etude House and Lioele.
So you can imagine my excitement when a saw a box of goodies at my doorstep.
Yuuuup...all these goodies are the top products in Korea.
Since these products are sooooo good I had to split the post in half.
You can check the Lioele lipstick swatches& review HERE.

 Missha M Perfect Cover BB cream (20ml)
 Perfect cover BB has a huge selection of shades and I'm currently #21 (2nd lightest shade) which matches NC15-20 skintone. If you're slightly paler (especially in spring) I would suggest #13.
Through my European eyes it's just a moisturizing foundation with nice medium coverage.
Has a dewy finish and lasts on skin for 4-7 hours if powdered.
I didn't notice any miraculous whitening but my skin fells like a baby's butt afterwards.
I really like to use it on it's own or as a base before heavier foundations - makes your skin perfectly smooth and dewy.
I can already say it has become one of my stample items - will definitely repurchase a full size!
Price? It's quite affordable at about 20$ for 50ml HERE and 11$ for mini size/20ml HERE.
Rating: A- (wish it had more whitening effect)

Etude House Tear drop liner
Oh my gosh, another new Holy grail for me!
This product is just amazing and I haven't  tried anything like it before. 
Asian people are masters for shimmer and glitter. 
This is a liquid liner for the inner corner of the eye and it brightens like NO other (K-pop stars use this all the time). Contains multi-shimmer (pearly white, gold, blue,orange) yet no heavy glitters.
 Seems like a useless product you don't REALLY need- but TRUST ME: Once you try it...there's no way out.
You can get it for about 10$ HERE.
Rating: A+
*I made picture slightly darker to see the FULL shimmer effect
Etude Tear drop liner in my corner of the eye
 All in all I'm in love with both products and warmly recommend both of them.
You can get various Korean brands from Keautystore with 5% discount code: blog115
Keautystore has many good recommendations on Youtube.
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1 comment:

  1. Vsi toliko pišete o tej Missha BB kremi, da si jo tudi jaz želim preizkusiti.

    Make up look je prekrasen. :)


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