11 Nov 2012

We all love Lush Snow fairy

I know Christmas time is near when I see Snow fairy on Lush display.
Snow fairy has such a yummy smell that I can't resist it every year.
Medium bottles always last me up to a year and when I use them up I'm already looking forward to get a new one. Fortunately I got some Lush gift cards for my birthday back in August and I already knew I want to get Snow fairy on the end of the year.

SCENT: yummy cotton candy with bubblegum
PRICE: SMALL (100g) bottle-6€
MEDIUM (250g) bottle-12€
LARGE (500g) bottle-17€
So basically you can save some money if you buy bigger bottles- I'm kind of mad I didn't pick out the large one now!
DOWNSIDE: Glitters- they don't seem to move from the bottom.
I had this issue with every Snow fairy but if you're patient enough you can get them out with turning the bottle upside down (however some will tightly stick to the bottom).

P.S. Christmas Ponche shower gel also smells AMAZING- fruity sweet smell!
What's your favorite Lush product?


  1. Jaz imam še lansko flaško... DIši mi za znoret, ampak mi izsuši kožo :(

    1. Uf to sem pa čisto pozabila! Res ni kake hude nege kože ;)

  2. ah i bought the 500ml and the 100ml bottles last christmas and my 500 is on its last 100ml and i'm doing my best to not use the 100ml bottle till i grab a couple more when i go up in january if they are still out!

    They smell amazing but i have the same problem the glitters are all at the bottom of the bottle. They never seem to surface to the top!

    Stefy xx

  3. I love this product! I got two for christmas last year and have only just finished them both. The smell is incredible! Great pictures! They look awesome! xxx

  4. I love the smell of this! I always buy the godmother soap because it smells exactly the same as the snow fairy! xo

    1. Yeah I know but I don't like soaps :/ Maybe if I'll crave Snow fairy before I get a new one :D

  5. I NEED this in my life! I've been hearing about the Lush Snow Fairy for years now and have still yet to know what it smells like. From the description, I think I'd probably have to resist from eating it like candy, haha!

    1. Yeah, very yummy but a bit plastic-y too. All in all you would definitely like it. If I come across Lush I'll get you one ;)

  6. Zadnje čase me navdušuje vse, kar ima ime po pravljicah. Ah, kaj čem, če sem tak otrok v srcu.
    Trenutno delam listo, kaj moram kupiti v Lushu, ko grem spet v Lj in tole se je pravkar znašlo na njem. Mislim, da bom za začetek vzela majhno stekleničko, da vidim, kako mi bo všeč.

    1. Uf tudi jaz! :) Počekiraj še Twilight se tudi lepo sliši hehe. Ampak meni je preveč cvetličen.

  7. I want this snow fairy even it was a small one , would be nice

  8. love this! would you like to follow each other? let me know!

  9. I so want to try this! Need to get myself to a Lush and smell it for myself :) The glitter is really pretty - it would be annoying for it to be stuck at the bottom though! It's amazing a 250ml bottle lasts you almost a year!

    1. Yeah, it's really concentrated-almost hard to believe it's ''natural''. I don't use it daily (now and then) and use only a pea size so it lasts so long hehe :)

  10. looks gorgeous!
    thanks so much for following my blog xx

  11. A si bila v trgovini? So prejšnji ali pa predprejšnji teden nekaj trgovino prenavljali in sem se že ustrašla, da jo zapirajo ;) Nisem še stestirala teh gelov za tuširanje imam pa njihovo milo za obraz Fresh Pharmacy in je čudovito za aknasto/suho kožo in šibam naslednji teden po novega, če je trgovina že odprta, pa še tale Snow Fairy povoham zraven ;)

    1. Ja,ampak v Mariboru. Drugače je pa tudi ljubljanski Lush že odprt tako da ni straha ;)
      njihovi obrazni čistilci pa delajo čudeže!

    2. Ja, sem Lj. mislila, mi je bližje

  12. Great product!

    I really like your blog, I´m following you :D
    ... maybe if you have time, you could visit my blog too, and if you like it, follow me back ;)

  13. I need to pick this up next time i go to lush !

    xx Liyana


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