22 Oct 2011

UK Swap with a dear friend

And OMG again...I was really surprised by my new dear friend Hailey, which also owns a blog (link is HERE ).
She entirely blew me away with everything!
I must start with the packaging and decoration...it was wrapped in a gorgeous pink-purple wrapping paper and inside of the box...each product was wrapped individually with little notes :) How awesome is that?

Do I have to mention she went a bit overboard?
Hailey put a lot of effort to find the products I would like to try and she even got me almost every single thing from my wishlist. From Rimmel, MUA, Sleek, Collection 2000 to Gosh etc. And not to mention the sweets! I already tried almost everything and so far I'm loving each one.

I hope you all enjoyed this post.
As for Hailey, I can't thank her enough for what she did to me.
Hailey is really a sweet girl with interesting blog posts and make sure you check it out(http://www.lilmissgiggles143.com/ ). 


I would love to know your thoughts ♥