21 Jul 2016

Nude for Pale Skin: Charlotte Tilbury Matte Revolution Lipstick Very Victoria

Rose gold and your favourite Youtube makeup artist? Sounds like a match made in heaven but it's actually a genius idea of Charlotte Tilbury herself. Influential brand that captivates with mighty nudes, smokes and luxurious lust. A lipstick that actually costs an arm and a leg but it's totally worth that extra hassle with not-so-affordable shipping. Yes, I'm talking about Charlotte Tilbury Matte Revolution Lipstick, pure indulgence for a lipstick junkie like me.

Before we investigate every inch of this lipstick, let us enjoy a moment or two looking only at this gorgeous packaging. Heavily weighted, perfectly carved and worthy of lust and greed, this is surely one of a kind. Even totally used up and looking like a nub by now, it still has it's charm. Matte Revolution line is indeed somewhere near satin-matte formula without dryness. One thing I've noticed when looking at C'Tilbury work, is that she loves to enhance women's attributes - sexy but still natural looking. This is exactly what Matte Revolution does. It has a comfortable formula that makes your lips full and luscious without raisin-looking lips. Perfect, A+ score! Another thing I want to mention is pigmentation. My chosen shade, Very Victoria, is not fully opaque. Which is actually a bonus in this case. Since I have fairly light and pink lips, lipstick transfers much more natural looking. I actually like that bit of translucency. No signs of unwanted orange tones. Scent is similar to Mac - light vanilla that doesn't bother. Lipstick feels like a velvety cushion, visible but feather light in texture.

Of course I had to pick out my perfect nude, it's Charlotte Tilbury for God's sake. After inspecting tons of swatches, I've rolled my dice with light nude called Very Victoria (after Victoria Beckham). I turned out to be exactly what I've wanted - noticeable nude with warm and cool undertones, looking slightly ashy under certain conditions. If you're pale as me, then you know the struggle with ''orangey'' nudes. Very Victoria is perfect, at least for me.


Now onto my favourite part. As much as I appreciate Charlotte Tilbury as a luxurious brand, I still had to dig out my similar shades for you. Charlotte Tilbury Very Victoria is awfully similar to MAC Viva Glam II and Mac Modesty, my two favourite neutral nudes. Mac Viva Glam II is only slightly more ashy and cool toned, while Mac Modesty looks more creamy and rosy. Mac Blankety is two tones lighter and ashier than Very Victoria. I was also really surprised looking at Rimmel Moisture Renew 720 Notting Hill Nude, which looks way warmer on the first notice. But it's actually quite near Very Victoria, with overly glossy finish and orange tones. Catrice Ultimate Stay Lipstick in 050 Mauve your Lips is only for European reference - way more mauve, ashy and cool toned than Very Victoria. Is there a perfect dupe? Not really, but Mac Viva Glam II or Mac Modesty is not a bad substitute.
Very Victoria Comparison & Dupes

I highly, highly, highly recommend Charlotte Tilbury lipsticks. There's something about them, a magical charm or aura of modern sexy. It's definitely my most treasured piece of lipstick art and I'm already planning to splurge on must-have pieces from Charlotte Tilbury, who cares about that 10€ shipping! Note that everything comes luxuriously packaged like it's your birthday along with two lovely samples. Matte Revolution Lipstick retails at 30€. 


  1. Ta odtenek je tako unikaten in prelep, jaz imam obsesijo z CT šminkami, dokler ne probaš, si pač misliš, da je pač samo šminka:):)npr. So Marilyn je tako noro pigmentirana rdeča,da se ji samo čudim, Penelope Pink in BitchPerfect sta sipa na prvo oko izredno podobni,samo da je Penelope bolj nude, Perfect B. pa za pikico povleče v rozkast podton.Ampak sta tako nosljivi za čez dan. Veš kaj je meni tudi všeč pri njenih rdečilih, da nimajo nekih težkih pocukranih, cvetličnih obupnih dodatkov dišav, ki jih še 100 let vonjam na ustnicah. In ja se strinjam s tabo, kaj potem če je 10 eur poštnine, je vredno, pa še paket pride tako amazing zapakiran in če pa tega želijo ukrast na pošti naj izvolijo, upam, da mu rata vso folijo raztrgat tako,da bo neopazno:):):)

  2. Waaaw, obožujem takšne odtenke. Čudovito ti pristaja! xx

  3. Gorgeous lipstick! Love how it looks on you

  4. Love it :) Jako lijepe slike , nijansa ruža je odlična !!

    Charming Coco

  5. Čudovit odtenek in embalaža je itak perfection. Ah one day.. :D.
    Btw ful ti paše ;).

  6. Odtenek je super, zelo ti pristoji! Drugače pa: nude šmink ni nikoli dovolj ;) xx Maja


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