20 Jan 2011

Zoya: Reece & Seche Vite top coat

My yesterday's pick for nails was Zoya Reece, which is actually my first proper expensive nail polish. It's a pink shade with  golden/green reflection and it also have slight shimmers throughout it, which are noticeable on the sun. It's definitely not logwearing on my nails since it peels off in about 2 days.
Zoya Reece + Seche Vite top coat
I recently bought a known top coat named Seche Vite dry fast top coat. You all probably have heared about it so many times.
Seche Vite costs about 10 €, but I got it on sale for about 7€. The consistency is quite thick but glides on like a dream. And the shine effect is outstanding! It dries in 2 minutes, fully dried in 10 min. I did notice slight changes in longevity, usually nail polishes chip in 2 days but Seche Vite makes them last for at least 4 days.


  1. Jooj, kak je lepa =), če nebi blo tolk lakov na WL bi se tale ziher gor pojavla =).
    Hitrosušeči nadlaki so res zakon, ko se jih navadiš, ne moreš več brez njih =).

  2. Lep odtenek!

    Sem danes našla tvoj blog, super je :)


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