16 Nov 2015

Festive Eyes with Clarins Ombre Matte Cream to Powder Eyeshadow

Clarins hybrid eyeshadows caught my attention right at the beginning of their launch. Creamy, pigmented and powdery without any needed fixing? Yes, please! It's a no brainer that I have usually love-hate relationship with creamy eyeshadows, especially if they're not longlasting and ends up all wrinkled and uneven in my eye crease. Oily eyelids is a common problem that just ruins all the fun with creamy textures and pretty finishes. I could never imagine myself in a million years to use a cream shadow without powder fixing to be a smokey eye base for upcoming festive season. And Clarins Ombre Matte made it happen. Without any additional fixing or powder toppings, Ombre Matte Cream-to-powder eyeshadows don't budge, crease or fade. They combine beautifully with powder shadows but can also shine through in all it's glory on their own.

Majhni Clarins hibridi v obliki senčil so pritegnili mojo pozornost že v samem začetku lansiranja. Kremni, zelo pigmentirani in hkrati močno obstojni...je to sploh lahko realnost? Nikakor ni skrivnost, da imam ponavadi ljubezensko-sovražni odnos s kremnimi senčili, saj se hitro naberejo v gubo in niso dovolj obstojna. Verjamem, da ima  marsikatera od vas enak ali vsaj podoben večni problem. Kar je škoda, glede na to, da ogromno kremnih senčil nudi čudovite odtenke. V milijonih let si ne bi predstavljala, da bom lahko dejansko nosila kremna senčila v kombinaciji pudrastih senčil, brez da bi bilo treba kremno senčilo predhodno ''utrditi'' s prahom. Izjemo mi je dokazal Clarins z njihovo linijo Ombre Matte kremno-pudrastih senčil, ki se ne premikajo po veki, barva se ne razgubi in ohranijo intenzivnost. Ombre Matte so tako popolna kombinacija kremnega nanosa in intenzivnosti pudrastih senčil. Zasijejo lahko sami na vekah ali v družbi pudrastih senčil za bolj intenziven pogled.

Clarins Ombre Matte shade range is actually based around 7 matte colours with an exception of this 05 Sparkle Grey, which is a true neutral grey-taupe with shimmery finish. I'm pretty sure all of you could find a perfect shade within Clarins Ombre Matte range as it's consisted out of nudes, taupes, rosewoods and browns. 05 Sparkle Grey in particular can look different under certain lightning and shadow combining - more as a taupe or a cooler grey. Just with a slight finger press you can instantly feel the creaminess and velvety smooth texture. It's an odd thingy, I must say. Ombre Matte actually deserve to be called an eyeshadow hybrid as I can't entirely categorize it as a cream or powder shadow. I'm confused but nonetheless, I can wear it with or without additional powder shadow. It blends like a butter, acts like a potent cream shadow and settles as a powder.  Longevity is impressive as the shadow manages to stay put for several hours, I'm talking about 7-9 hours for sure.

Clarins Ombre Matte linija senčil se vrti okoli 7 mat odtenkov z izjemo mojega odtenka, 05 Sparkle Grey, kakor lahko sklepamo že iz samega imena. Svoj odtenek bi lahko našli praktično vsi, saj se barvna shema giblje od ''nude'' pa vse do vsestranskih rjavih in sivkastih odtenkov. Izbran 05 Sparkle Grey je torej edina izjema med Clarins, ki ima dodane mikro svetleče delce za sijaj. Barvo je sicer težko določiti, saj se preliva med nevtralno rjavo-sivo in vse do hladne kovinske sive. Pod vsako svetlobo in kombinacijo ličil se Sparkle Grey vede drugače, kar je dejansko zelo uporabno. Samo z rahlim dotikom lahko takoj občutite mehkobo senčila - dokaj nenavadna mala stvarca, moram priznati. Zaradi nenavadne teksture je tudi ne morem 100% uvrstiti v kategorijo kremnih ali prašnatih senčil. Z lahkoto se uporabljajo v kombinaciji, na dotik se vedejo kot maslo, so odlično pigmentirane in močno obstojne brez premikanja po veki. Obdržijo se lahko čez cel dan, sama sem senčilo testirala okoli 7-9 ur z brezhibnim rezultatom.

I applied Ombre Matte in 05 Sparkle Grey only in the center of the lids, following with powder shadows in the crease. I haven't fix Sparkle Grey with any powder whatsoever to retain it's initial glow and shimmer. As you can see, there's no creasing or smudging whatsoever. Makeup look lasted me for the entire day.

Clarins Ombre Matte v odtenku 05 Sparkle Grey sem tako nanesla na celotno sredino veke in tudi na spodnji del oči. Za tem sem dodala še dodatne plasti senčil v zunanjih kotičkih, na 05 Sparkle Grey pa nisem dodala niti pikice dodatnega senčila v prahu. Clarins senčilo je tako ohranilo sijaj in ''šimrast'' efekt brez zabrisovanja, bledenja ali odstranjevanja. Takšen zadimljen videz je nato obstal na meni skoraj cel dan.

This Clarins Ombre Matte hybrid totally blew away my little mind, I cannot express my enthusiasm and amazement after trying such a unique blend of textures. I've been eyeing them for a reason but never actually expected such a high performance. After trying several high end cream shadows (including Chanel Illusion D'Ombre, Benefit Creaseless Cream Shadow, Illamasqua Cream Pigment and Bobbi Brown Long Wear Cream Shadow) this is definitely the most unique interpretation along with Chanel but definitely the most long wearing from the bunch. Price of Clarins Ombre Matte is somewhere between 19-22€.Sparkle Grey is also perfect for this time of year - shimmery look and glow is just calling for Christmas and festive parties. Also, don't forget to check out new Joli Rouge lipsticks in 25 colours at Clarins counter - for Christmas parties or as a special gift.

Clarins Ombre Matte hibrid je čisto presenetil moj majhen lepotni kotiček. Sama ne morem izraziti presenečenja nad samo teksturo teh senčil. Niso zaman takoj pritegnila mojo pozornost, vseeno pa nisem pričakovala tako dobre izvedbe. Po preizkušanju ostalih višje cenovnih kremnih senčil (vključno z Chanel Illusion D'Ombre, Benefit Creaseless Cream Shadow, Illamasqua Cream Pigment in Bobbi Brown Long Wear Cream Shadow) ima Clarins skupaj z Chanel eno najbolj unikatnih tekstur. Medtem ko je iz kopice Clarins vsekakor eden izmed najbolj dolgo-obstojnih kremnih senčil. Cena za njih se giblje nekje med 19-22€ za celih 7g, kar sicer ni tako veliko kot pri ostalih višje cenovnih znamkah. Sparkle Grey je tudi odlična izbira odtenka za ta čas v letu - popolnoma se prileže prazničnemu vzdušju. Prav tako ne pozabite pogledati novih Clarins Joli Rouge v 25 odtenkih za prihajajoč božični čas, zase ali kot darilo. Barve so pričakovano praznične kakor se spodobi za ta letni čas.


  1. This looks very pretty! I haven't tried many Clarins products yet...this sounds great though :)
    Christina ♥ https://caliope.name

  2. O waw, nisem pričakovala tako zanimiv odtenek. Krasen se, pa tudi sliši se fenomenalno <3

  3. It's so beautiful. I don't think I've had the pleasure of trying anything from Clarins x

  4. Wow looks beautiful on you!


  5. Ta odtenek ti prav nenormalno paše <3 Si že dolgo ogledujem ta senčila, so mi vse barve izjemno všeč, ampak so tako draga.

  6. Your photographs blow me away as usual! That is such a striking shade, it looks beautiful on you dear! xxxxx


  7. This looks lovely on you! I really struggle not to make a mess of my makeup when using shades like this!

    Gem x | flutter and sparkle blog

  8. oh your freckles are too cute, i love this shade on you! gorgeous pics too!

    Jen | Jennifer's Journal x

  9. Totally digging your eye makeup! Čudovit odtenek :)


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