20 Jul 2015

Bioderma Sensibio H2O still owns the Crown after 20 years

Do you know? Bioderma Sensibio H2O Make-up Removing Micelle Solution is sold every 3 seconds around the globe. The mother of all micellar waters is this year celebrating 20th anniversary and got over 30+ awards worldwide. It's still the number one choice between celebrity makeup artists and the original formula of Bioderma is still known as the best on the market. Micellar technology contains small micells that have a body and a head - one to attract dirt and the other to affix on cotton pad. It removes all makeup, dirt and excess sebum that ends up on your face at the end of the day. Bioderma Sensibio can be used as a makeup remover and toner, all in one, suitable for morning cleansing and evening skincare.
Ste vedeli da je Bioderma Sensibio H2O Micelarna voda prodana po svetu vsake 3 sekunde? Mama vseh micelarnih tekočin praznuje ravno to leto 20.obletnico obstoja. Bioderma je že prejela več kot 30 prestižnih nagrad po svetu in še vedno konkurira z najbolj inovativno tehnologijo čiščenja. Še vedno je prva izbira med priznanimi vizažisti in poznana kot ''najboljša'' na kozmetičnem trgu. Micelarna tehnologija zajema majhne micele, ki imajo hidrofilno glavo za držanje in lipofilno verigo, ki pobere vso nečistočo s kože. Več o samem delovanju si lahko preberete v slovenščini tukaj. Bioderma micelarna voda tako pobere z obraza vso nečistočo, ličila in odvečni sebum ki se neprestano zadržuje na obrazu tekom dneva. Uporablja se kot odstranjevalec ličil in tonik hkrati in je odličen produkt za jutranjo osvežitev obraza ali intenzivno čiščenje ob koncu dneva.

I've been using all sorts of micellar waters from different brands but never really ventured into trying the starter of them all - Bioderma Sensibio Make-up removing micelle solution. Many positive reviews and hyped up worldwide fame caught my attention but never bothered myself to take another look in nearest pharmacy. Finding out that Bioderma is actually the genuine founder of micellar water and that the cult favourite is already celebrating 20th anniversary, I was obligated with beauty blogger duty to try it out. First impressions were fantastic, nothing like any other micellar water. With only tiny amount on cotton pad, you're able to entirely remove your makeup. Practically, there's no tugging around sensitive eye area as you only need slight padding motion and a minute or two for disolving layers of heavy makeup. With placing pad on your eye and giving a slight pressure, you'll be left with a pad filled with mascara, eyeshadow, liner and other impurities. It's efficient with waterproof mascara but you'll probably need to use an extra coconut oil to entirely cleanse your eye area. Using it sparingly, you'll get a good use for your buck as there's no need to entirely wet down cotton pad. Little goes a long way on a long run which makes Bioderma Sensibio micellar water not so badly priced considering the amount you need. Which actually surprises me and makes me think that other brands might mix in standard water as they're clearly not as efficient. 

Če sem iskrena, sem preizkusila že nešteto micelarnih vodic različnih znamk, nikoli pa se nisem lotila same prvotne Bioderma micelarne vode. Nešteto število pozitivnih ocen z vseh koncev sveta je pritegnilo mojo pozornost, vendar sem vedno odlašala nakup v bližnji lekarni. Ugotovitev, da je Bioderma dejansko izumitelj micelarne tehnologije, sem si zadala poslanstvo da preizkusim to čudovito zadevico. Prvi vtisi so bili fantastični, nič kaj podobni mojim prejšnjim izkušnjam. Le z majhno količino na vati dela Bioderma čudeže, saj odstrani vsa ličila in umazanijo le z dotikom kože. Žuljenje in neprestano brisanje z vato je nepotrebno, saj se ličila lepo odstranijo le z rahlim pritiskom in malce potrpljenja. Vatico rahlo pritisnemo na oko in počakamo 1-2 minuti, da se ličila in umazanija razgradi in oprime micelov. Tako preprečite staranje kože okoli oči in zagotovite čim manj drobnih gubic. Je učinkovita tekočina, ki odpravi tudi vodoodporne produkte, vodoodporno maskaro pa se najbolje odstrani z dodatkom kokosovega olja. Z zmerno uporabo boste vsekakor pridobili na dolgi rok. Majhna količina bo tako upravičila malce višjo ceno na dolgi rok. Učinkovitost me je prijetno presenetila, zato sem začela dvomiti v cenejše micelarne vode in ostajam zvesta novi pridobitvi.

If you don't want to end up prematurely all wrinkled around your eye area, right? I caught myself a lot of times to be quite impatient with other-branded micellar waters as they need a lot more time (think 5 minutes or more) for cleansing or they're not as efficient as Bioderma. Also, there's usually a lot of residue makeup despite rubbing. If I still haven't convinced you to at least try the smallest version or ask for a sample, I'm sure the fact that Bioderma is after, the founder, will convince you to try it in the near future. You would think that brands would release improved versions by past 20 years but Bioderma is still THE brand for efficient micellar water. Bioderma is suitable for sensitive skintypes and it's easily accesible in pharmacies around Europe, on FeelUnique and Escentual. Prices go from 5,55€ up to 18,81€.

Če se želite čim dlje izogniti gubam okoli oči, svetujem da preizkusite Bioderma micelarno vodo. Sama sebe velikokrat zalotim, da si premočno drgnem oči z odstranjevalcem ličil ker enostavno nimam časa za čakanje ker produkti niso tako učinkoviti pri razgradnji ličil. Veliko več ostane tudi umazanije na obrazu. Če Vas še vedno nisem spodbudila k preizkusu vsaj testerja Biodermine micelarne vode, sem prepričana da bo dejstvo o začetku Biodermine tehnologije vplivalo na preizkušnjo v prihodnosti. Pričakovali bi, da se bodo po 20 letih začele pojavljati na trgu še boljše micelarne vode, vendar je Bioderma še vedno neprekosljiva. Produkt je primeren za vse občutljive tipe kože, več o sami kulti vodici pa si lahko preberete tukaj. Bioderma micelarno vodo lahko z lahkoto kupite v skoraj vsaki lekarni ali na Sophia za 5,5€ na 100ml, 11,65€ za 250ml in 18,81€ za 500ml. Prav v čast 20.obletnici pa trenutno potekajo različne akcije in ponudbe na Bioderma Micelarno vodo, dobite lahko 2 steklenički za ceno ene.


  1. Res je najboljša! :)

  2. Moja stalnica. Res zelo nežna in efektivna, je ne menjam za nič :)

  3. Morem prečekirat kje dobim znižane ;) Zdej gredo moje zaloge micelarnih počasi h koncu in tale mi je super ;) sem se pa navadila da malo menjam znamke, ne vem točno zakaj sploh.

  4. Great review, I am yet to try this but must soon! x

    The Belle Narrative

  5. Nujno jo moram preizkusiti, je še nisem! :(


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