22 Mar 2015

Marc Jacobs Daisy Dream

Craving ultimate fresh, spring scent? Marc Jacobs Daisy Dream is a perfect example of fresh and clean. Along with Dot, they are my ultimate rebels to conquer in spring with airy, clean notes. Daisy Dream is quite an unusual pick for me, compared to rest of my perfume collection. 

Daisy Dream includes top notes of blackberry, pear, grapefruit, while middle notes are based upon wisteria, jasmine, litchi. Base notes got an unusual mixture of coconut, white wood, musk which are pretty subtle. Personally, scent seems really airy and I couldn't detect fruity notes upon my first sniff. Bitterness and sweetness of blackberry is pronounced within first few minutes but settles down into floral, greenish wisteria scent. It's like taking a refreshing shower and wearing freshly washed pyjamas all day long. I can't deny, scent is a bit too fresh for my personal taste. Daisy Dream is in general nothing groundbreaking for my sweet/fruity taste but seems an ideal choice for women, who love clean and floral notes. Also, scent is adorably innocent, which makes it a perfect youth booster. Bottle itself is highly photogenic, gorgeously detailed and still elegant. It has a moderate staying power and is subtle enough for everyday errands

Daisy Dream definitely cannot beat it's older sister Daisy, cult classic for a reason. In general, I'm truly happy with Marc Jacobs fragrances and their superb quality. I recommend Daisy Dream to all women who love simple and airy scents with a touch of floral note. A 30ml bottle retails from 45€ up to 60€, depending where you buy. You can discover Marc Jacobs fragrances online on Escentual (45€) and Fragrance Direct (60,50€). In Slovenia, you can buy Marc Jacobs in Muller, Beautique and Kompas Shop.


  1. Mmmm , sliši se odlično :) xx S&R

  2. This perfume smells amazing!

  3. I really want to try this perfume, as I’m a big fan of Marc Jacobs scents. I do like a fruity scent so this does sound right down my street, but I like that it’s not too overpowering and instead quite airy - fab review :)

    Charlee XO | CharmedCharlee

  4. Diši odlično...je pristal v moji zbirki "moram kupiti" vendar se zadržujem dokler ne porabim nekaj drugih.

  5. Sliši se zelo dišeče ;) Trenutno imam sicer preveč parfumov, ga imam pa definitivno v mislih za naslednji nakup ;)

    xoxo, Nyx
    Nyx's beauty blog

  6. This is such a beautiful scent and definitely the next one I want to add to my collection.


  7. meni diši lepo sveže, ampak se mi nekako ne zdi preveč poseben :D

  8. Such a pretty scent, the bottle is stunning too <3


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