26 Jun 2013

SLEEK Pout Paint Review, Mixing, Swatches

 Lipsticks are my favorite make-up product. I own an army of different colors.
I seriously have a rainbow spectrum - only reds are missing since I hate them.
Almost a year ago my friends got me for birthday my first Sleek Pout Paints.
I was hooked and my color selection expanded dramatically only because of 5 shades.

Šminke so moji najljubši kozmetični izdelki.
 Imam že celo vojsko barv vendar se mi je pred kratkim celoten barven spekter dramatično povečal z Sleek Pout Painti. Z samo 5 barvami lahko ustvarim nešteto nians za ustnice.

My color picks from Sleek are pretty basic.
PIN UP- classic neutral red that is slightly darker.
LAVA- Bright straight-up orange.
PINKINI - Neon pink but darker and with red undertones. Perfect dupe for OCC Anime.
PEEK A BLOO- Medium blue. Dupe for OCC RX.
CLOUD 9- Ordinary white. Dupe for OCC Feathered.
I also have MINX (currently at my boyfriend's) which is a neutral pink.
They are all super pigmented and longlasting, staining the lips for hours.
My ONLY complain : Product separates in the tube. You have to mix it up before you use it unless you will end up only with clear oils.

Moje izbire Sleek Pout Paintov so dokaj osnovne. 
PIN UP - klasična, temnejša rdeča z nevtralnim podtonom.
LAVA - Živo oranžna.
PINKINI - Neon temnejša pink z toplim podtonom. 
PEEK A BLOO - Srednje temna modra.
CLOUD 9 - Navadna bela barva za miksanje.
Imam tudi MINX (trenutno je nimam doma) ki je nevtralna pink, super za vsak dan.
Vse barve so MOČNO pigmentirane, dolgotrajne in obarvajo ustnice za več ur.
Moja edina pritožba: Barva se ločuje v tubi. Potrebno jo je dobro premešati za visoko pigmentacijo.

I truly love them!
I only wish I could have more time for mixing them and searching for newer shades.
Can be a bit too excesive always mixing up the desired color and using a lip brush.
So I always store my mixed up colors in jars or mix the color with my potted lipbalm.
You can easily create lipbalms or lipsticks.

Nad vsemi Pout Painti sem že navdušena skoraj eno leto.
Želim si le da bi bili malo bolj priročni za mešanje in nošenje s sabo.
Ponavadi zmešane barve dam v prenosne lončke.
Z Pout Painti se da ustvariti obarvane balzame in šminke.

Here are some of the shades I mixed up for myself.
I could easily dupe Rimmel Stellar, Mac Impassioned, Mac Chatterbox.
Mixed up colors are written in the quantitative sequence.

Tukaj je primer barv ki sem jih zmešala zase.
Veliko barv je tudi enakih Mac šminkam, ki so težko dosegljive v Sloveniji.
Sama količina barv je zapisana po vrstnem redu.

 You basically need only 4 colors: Red, Blue, White and Orange.
You can get them on Sleek Official website HERE or SLO readers HERE.

Za mešanje različnih barv potrebuješ le 4 osnovne barve: rdečo, modro, belo in oranžno.
Kupiš si jih lahko na ZapikoNaI  TUKAJ.
Trenutno imajo na zalogi samo roza odtenke ampak sem prepričana da se lahko ekipo kontaktira in naroči novo pošiljko Pout Paintov.

PROS(+): Mixing, stains, longlasting, velvet texture, doesn't budge, sanitary, great for make-up artists
CONS(-): Not travel friendly, you need a lip brush, separating

+ LASTNOSTI: mešanje, dolgotrajne, velvet tekstura, se ne premikajo, sanitarna aplikacija
- LASTNOSTI: potrebuješ čopič za ustnice, ločujejo se 2 plasti v tubi 


  1. Rdeči in roza odtenki so ful lepi :). Sama imam 4 odtenke, ampak jih redko uporabljam.

  2. These sound amazing, the pigmentation seems really good. Love the shades you made for yourself : )

  3. That looks super fun, and the colours are all so pretty! :D

  4. Ful dobr, sploh prvi in zadnji odtenek sta mi všeč. Zna bit kar zabavno to miksanje :)

  5. I've always wanted to try these, but I hate ordering online! I think it would be worth the money though, these look so fun. I looove the blue one, I would wear it straight out of the tube :)

    1. You're brave :) You always have OCC lip tars! However these are much cheaper and the shipping isn't bad either.

  6. Tole je pa super zadeva:) Pa še ekstremno pigmentirano izgleda:)

    1. Je kar problem če greš mimo- se ne znebiš več z kože :D

  7. Oh they're lovely, especially when you mixed the colours to get that beautiful purple red colour!

  8. This lip jar idea is amazing, I always feel the need to make my own shade, only putting it on a jar can be messy unless you have a good lipbrush

  9. OMG! these colours are stunning!

  10. I am a Sleek fan but I never considered purchasing one of these because I didn't knew they were so performing and especially that you can mix them!
    I like to mix lippies, I almost always layer 2 or 3 lip products so I definitely see myself mixing these to create my personal shades :)

    thanks for the review, really useful :)

  11. This looks so cute!


  12. wow, these lippies are incredibly pigmented!the mixed colors are lovely and the pot paint jar is very creative. im following back dear, thanks!

  13. Pout Paint-e si želim preizkusiti že celo večnost! <3
    xx, moonchild


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