14 Jun 2013

Makeup and Nail Polish Empties #3

I've been collecting this garbage since end of the February when I've done Empties #2 (link HERE).
It mostly contains make-up and nail items - there is something satisfying about looking at used up products.
I was regularly throwing out my skincare and hair products since they can really stock up.
However I did save up some gems for face and hair that I use regularly.

OPI Nail Envy Matte
I've been liking this as a base for my nail polish. However no improvement with my nails. I love Nail Tek way more.
Repurchase: NO
OPI I'm Suzi and I'm chocoholic (LE)
Sent by lovely Charlene. It's a gorgeous chocolate-red. This one was used up almost instantly since my mom and sister also liked this shade. I think it LE from Swiss collection.
Repurchase: YES, if I could
Essence Fairytale (LE)
Lovely red with massive gold shimmer. I got quickly sick of it, yet I always wore it around Christmas time.
Repurchase: NO
Layla 17 nail polish
Pretty light pink shade with golden shift. Nice consistency and longevity.
Repurchase: NO

Essence My Base Illuminating
A discontinued product but I'm already on my second tube. It's a shimmery pink base perfect for dewy look.
Repurchase: Already did
Bourjois Flower Perfection (71) foundation
High coverage, matte foundation that is similar to Revlon Colorstay. I think I'll stick to Bourjois Healthy mix since I hate matte finish.
Repurchase: NO
Maybelline Age Rewind concealer
Highly disappointed since the system broke on half way. I couldn't use up the entire product so I'm kind of sceptical for 9€. I did like the finish and medium coverage.
Repurchase: Maybe

Mac MSF powder (Light)
Lovely baked powder that's not matte and has coverage at the same time.
Repurchase: YES, in the future
Rimmel duo eyeshadow in Walnut Pearl
I was obsessed with the light shade for highlighting my entire face. I don't like the second shade since it's too warm for my pale complexion.
Repurchase: Maybe
Manhattan eyeshadow in Carbon
This one was in my collection for over 5 years so it's time to let it go. Manhattan shades are really pigmented and buttery. However this shade is too dark & shimmery for my taste.
Repurchase: YES (other colors)

Essence Liquid Ink eyeliner
I already said it's a great thin liner for less than 3€.
Repurchase: YES
Essence Get Big lashes mascara
Still amazing cheap mascara to hold the curl and makes my lashes volumized and thick. However it can clump your lashes really fast and dries up over a month or so.
Repurchase: MUST HAVE
Manhattan Gel liner
New gel liner that's awful. It smudges, doesn't set and gets all over my eye.
Repurchase: NO WAY
Catrice kohl eyeliner- Black
An okay black liner for smudging or staying in the waterline. I would say it's mediocre.
Repurchase: YES

ELF Headliner cream blush
Super pigmented blush but the pump system let me down. The color doesn't go out, cheap packaging and it's leaking. Just don't bother buying it.
Repurchase: NO
Stila Coconut Crush cheek stain
Bronze cheek and lip stain that is perfect for summer. It's long lasting, smells like coconut and it's easy to use. What bothers me is the price and small amount.
Repurchase: NO

Lush Maple Taffy lip balm
Smells like maple syrup and tastes delicious. However it went bad pretty quickly.
Repurchase: NO
Yu-Be cream
Asian skincare item that heals chapped lips and wounds like no other! Seriously, works over night like no other.
Repurchase: YES, in the future
Elanosol lip balm
Slovenian lip balm made of bees wax and royal jelly. Heals quite nicely and smells minty. Ingredients are all natural.
Repurchase: YES
Jemma Kidd Lip balm/scrub
Another product sent to me by Charlene. It's quite a nifty little thing since you have a lip balm and a lip scrub in one tube. Consistency was okay and scrub was lip-balm based.
Repurchase: It's discontinued

Nyx Round lipgloss (20 Kiss)
Non-sticky lipgloss with standard applicator and quite a nice opacity.
Repurchase: YES, in the future
Mac Dazzleglass in Passing Fancy
 My first Mac lipgloss from LE collection. It's sticky like all dazzleglasses but has really pretty shimmer for summer.
Repurchase: NO
Manhattan Tasty lips lipgloss
I generally hate Manhattan lipglosses. They are tacky, smell weird and they go bad really quickly. This one was no exception since it started to stung on the lips.
Repurchase: NO

OPI Avojuice Cran&Berry hand lotion
I actually really like this lotion. Absorbs really fast, perfect on the go, smells heavenly and moisturises. Price tag is the only thing that's bothering me.
Repurchase: Maybe
Essence hand cream in Gingerbread Chai Latte
An okay hand cream that smells warm and biscuit-y. I'm definitely looking forward to next Winter collection.
Repurchase: Maybe
Rexona Maximum protection
Amazing deodorant for every day. Smells clean throughout the day and I did notice some minor changes in protection.
Repurchase: Already did
Bodycology Body mist in Coconut Lime
It's a sample of most delicious coconut-lime body mist. Reminds me of car refreshers.
Repurchase: YES, if I could
Bath&Body Works hand gel Candy corn
These are always a repurchase no matter what.
Repurchase : YES

Alverde Emulsion Calendula
Most gentle make-up remover that leaves my skin soft. HIGHLY recommend for dry or normal skin. Fells like a thick gel. Above all it's natural ingredient brand with high quality products and low prices.
Repurchase: Already did
Afrodita Almond oil
A staple in mom's closet. Daily make-up waterproof remover that nourishes the lashes and remover waterproof mascara.
Repurchase: YES
Balea Beauty Effect fluid
Shimmery base for foundation. It's quite a light moisturiser but I didn't notice any effects on my skin.
Repurchase: Maybe

Garnier  Rose toner 
Nothing special but smells nice and it's gentle.
Repurchase: Maybe
Bourjois Vitamin enriched toner
No go for me. It's full of chemicals and does nothing for my skin.
Repurchase: NO
Bourjois Micellar cleansing water
Staple in my make-up remove routine. It's actually identical to L'oreal micellar water.
Repurchase: YES
Eveline Micellar solution
Impressive micellar lotion from a new natural brand. Doesn't remove my entire makeup but it's great as a toner. Leaves a slight feeling like you've already applied a serum. Claims to be a substitute for day cream. Ingredients are also quite impressive.
Repurchase: YES

Balea Oil Repair conditioner
 Nice conditioner for less than 1€. However I fell there's not a lot of product.
Repurchase: Maybe
Balea Dry shampoo
 Average dry shampoo so I can't say much about it.
Repurchase: YES
Schwarzkopf Gliss Express repair conditioner
I like these leave-in conditioners. The golden version is much better but both makes my hair smell amazing, makes it soft and it's easier to comb through.
Repurchase: Already did (golden version)


  1. Ufff... to pa je lep kupček. :) Koliko pa stane Bourjois micelarna raztopina? Sem nameravala kupiti Biodermino, pa je kar draga...

    1. Okoli 4€ samo v L'clercu...so pa v Mullerju drugače tudi L'oreal micelarne vodice za 3,80€ in je enako dobra! :)

    2. Torej je Bourjois na voljo samo v Lecrercu, drugje pa ne? Škoda, bi jo prav rada preizkusila. Eveline pa se verjetno dobi samo v Nami, ne?

    3. Eveline je v Mullerju, Bourjois pa samo v L'eclercu ja :/

    4. Hvala za odgovor, potem pa moram preveriti v našem Müllerju.

  2. Zanimiv post:) Se pravi je ta bourjoisov flower perfection tudi tako prekriven kot revlon colorstay? jaz sem enkrat testirala enega, pa se mi je zdelo, da mi je bila še najsvetlejša barva pretemna, mogoče pa bo pravi za poletje:)

    1. Meni je še pretemen pa ga mešam z belimi pudri (71 je kot 150 Buff pri Revlonu) :) Je malo MANJ prekriven (medium/full) kot Colorstay (zame full) ampak da podoben finiš in se da dobro prekriti.

  3. Uau koliko izdelkov! Super post :)

  4. dosta se toga potrošilo,bravo!

  5. Woo those too red polishes look amazing, I haven't mange to finish my BBW pocket sanitizes I have shamefully 3 now , miss that bourjois toner

  6. It's amazing how many Essence products that we don't have in the US! That base primer looks so great for us pale girls, I would love to try it, too bad it's discontinued and not available here!

    1. It's great :) Try L'oreal highlighting base...it's similar only less pink.

  7. Did you get the name of your blog from the lipgloss?
    Nice empties post and quite a lot of make up, well done!

  8. I think this has got to be the most impressive empties post i've read! ha :) A great read x

  9. I would love to send you the bodycology coconut lime body spray, I live in the US and this is one of my favorites too! :) I also love the lotion and body scrub.

    1. Awww that so sweet of you :) I would love to have that mist again - in return I can send you some EU bits too.

  10. If you have the brand TreeHut over there they have a coconut lime collection that smells even better to me, but bodycology is cheaper! :)

  11. Girl you have got a lot of empties! I've been looking for a good Bioderma dupe so that section was quite handy. Thanks beaut.

    Lindsey. x

  12. Punca, tole je pa najboljša blog objava, kar sm jih kdajkoli prebrala in toook uporabna, da res sam kapo dol in hvala ti :) in čimveč takih :)
    Zdaj pa k vprašanjem: Tale Bourjois micellar cleansing water si kupila pri nas?
    Z večino (kar sem probala) se strinjam za nekaj stvari si me pa prepričala, da jih grem res iskat (sem bila skeptična, ker sem v zadnjem času kupila par stvari, ki jih lahko vržem samo v smeti) :)
    Lepo bodi pa kr tako naprej *

    1. O hvala, si mi polepšala dan :) Bourjois micelarno sem kupila v L'eclercu - samo tam jih imajo. V Mullerju pa najdeš novo L'oreal micelarno vodico ki je enako dobra :)

    2. Ja veš da sem zadnjič gledala pa je nisem našla ( v centru), bom šla naslednjič :) Hvala ti in malenkost **


I would love to know your thoughts ♥