25 Oct 2012

Pumpkin nails: Catrice 870 Copper Cabana

Don't you just love the name?
I've always hated orange nail polishes but seems like autumn changed my mind.
I fell in LOVE with this shimmery copper color. This might be even my go-to fall color.
It made me instantly think of PUMPKINS and CINNAMON.
(Maybe I should sprinkle some cinnamon too)
The shimmer inside the polish makes it even more dimensional and the color just pops.
I can totally see why many people wouldn't love it (a bit granny-ish) but
 if I gave it a chance on my pale hands...you should at least check it out on Catrice stand.
Copper Cabana just makes me fell cozy inside, it's such a warm shade!

Did I mention I applied only 1 COAT?!
It's super opaque and you can get away only with one coat...great if you're in a hurry.
What do you think about it? Do you like copper shades on your nails? How about copper eyeshadow?


  1. I love copper e/s, but I aboslutely can't stand copper on my nails, I've no idea why.Maye it just doesn't fit my skincolor on my hands =) but you rock it! And I love the crisp and neat edges of the mani <3 perfection it is!

  2. I love copper shades! I also love burnt orange too! I have a pretty copper color in my eyeshadow palette <3

  3. What a beautiful colour! And yes it does remind me a pumpkin and cinnamon too.

  4. i do really like this polish, i'm the same usually about orange polish but this is lovely!
    i can definitely see where you're coming from with it reminding you of pumpkins.
    you've made me feel all halloweeny!
    i love your blog too, i've just started following.
    you seem to put some much personality into your blog and it really comes across how lovely and down to earth you are.
    please pop over at some point for a chat, i'd love to speak some more.
    hope to hear from you soon,
    laura xx


  5. This orange is a fabulous colour, very appropriate for Autumn :) just started following, can't wait to see some more posts!
    Have a good weekend :)
    Maddie x


  6. It's beautiful!!! :D I love copper shades too...

  7. Love it. Coppers and bronzes are year round go to's. So easy to wear :) x


I would love to know your thoughts ♥