31 Jul 2012

July 2012 Favorites

This month I fell in LOVE with Real Techniques brushes, especially the Expert face brush.
Can be easily used for liquid foundations, cream blushes, powder...
OH MY, it spreads out my cream blush like no other! 
You absolutely NEED it if you're a cream blush person.
I was also amazed by Kiko brushes 202 and 209 which are really nice for packing on eyeshadows and fine gel line. I had no expectations for their brushes but I was really surprised by their quality and operation.

Lush Charisma Skin tint (gel-cream bronzer) was also a highlight this month.
It blends out flawlessly- also thanks to Expert face brush- and it gives a lovely sculpted effect.
Worth trying out the formula in the Lush store.

I've been hating Revlon lip butters but Cotton candy surprised me after million attempts to like it.
I actually got to like them...not to mention I had to remove it from my handbag since I've been using only this guy. I still don't like the poor color pay-off though.
Soap&Glory Sexy Mother Pucker lipgloss- nice neutral shade with golden shimmer.
The thing that makes me like it- effective plumping effect.
Nyx Round lipstick in Power is in a nice medium mauve-purple color.
Color looks absolutely gorgeous on the lips- even though it's a bit vampy in the tube.

I tried my first real coral blushes (excluding Coralista) and they actually don't look horrible on my pale skin.
Catrice Apricot smoothie is a light peach-pink shade and it's currently on sale since it's discountiued.
Essence Dates on skates is a bright coral-pink ombre with the most beautiful brightening effect.
I use both with stippling brush since they are quite pigmented.

Essence My skin Cleansing gel replaced my good old Bebe foam.
It's perfect for sensitive skin and cleans the rest of the make-up really good.
Did I mention it doesn't irritate my eyes?

Essence Get BIG lashes Waterproof mascara- AMAZING! Deserves a whole separate review.
Catrice Oh, It's toffeeful! - Unique medium taupe gold with rose gold sheen
Catrice Grey's Philosophy- Rebuy of my favorite eyeshadow since it's discountinued and on sale
From TOP: Catrice Oh,it's toffeeful, Catrice Grey's philosophy, Essence Get big lashes mascara

What was your stand out product this month?
Do you like these kind of posts?


  1. oh god i feel off my seat over that dates on skates blush! i'd love to do a swap w you :D pls email me kumikomae@lovingsunshine dot com

    if you have viber/voxer/what's app, just let me know thru the email :D love to chat!

  2. Hi Sarah! It's me (sjbkk) from htttp:simplejoysbkk.wordpress.com :) I just dropped by to read your blog.

    I love essence cosmetics, too and we're lucky to have them here in Bangkok.

    Cheers x

  3. Kje kupiš Nyx izdelke? Že nekaj časa jih imam nekaj ogledanih in od ELFa tudi vendar me je strah poštnine... Pred enim mesecem sem naročala iz BHa in poleg drage poštnine morala plačati še ogromno carine in ne bi rada še enkrat ponovila napake

    1. 3 opcije:
      - Seiersberg Douglas v Gradcu
      - Beautyjoint.com (nyx+elf)- poštnina po teži in ni predraga
      - Ebay

      Probaj povprašat prodajalca če lahko na paket napiše vrednost 20$ drugače pa jaz še nikoli nisem imela problemov s carino (razen sigma čopiči)...verjetno ker kupujem sproti ali pa razdelim naročila na 2 dela :))

  4. The Catrice eyeshadows are such pretty colours! I like the look of the Essence gradient blush as well. I adore Real Techniques brushes - I usually use the Expert Face brush for liquid foundation but I'll keep your tip about using it for cream blush in mind :)

  5. I own a few Real Techniques brushes and I really like them. I think I need to get the expert face brush now!!! The Essence blush looks so pretty!!


  6. what great products! i have seen the catrice brand at the drugstore but i have never tried it before. i will have to try them now! i also love the soap&glory lipgloss but mainly because of its super cheeky name :) great post and great favorites!

    xx rae

    500+ reader giveaway!

  7. Hi dear, thanks for dropping by my blog! :D
    I'm really fascinated by the Essence blusher and Catrice items, we get really old Essence collections here and there's no sign of Catrice at all. >__<

    P/S: If you're interested in a swap, perhaps we could arrange something? Do drop me an email at Laura1990my [at] hotmail [dot] com or maybe message me on my Facebook! ^^

    Glad to find your blog to follow! :D


I would love to know your thoughts ♥