22 Jun 2019

Books I've read and what I'm planning to read in Summer 2019

Uh oh, I haven't updated you with my book progress for a really long time. I feel kinda guilty simply because I've had some nice classic gems in my hands. If I start with the whole J.K. Rowling thing, I've enjoyed her Fantastic Beasts and where to find them. Even though it's written as a script. You actually get used to it quite quickly and the story plot just glides effortleslly. I really liked it, it's not too much and not too little. It has some hidden magical secrets that keep you going until the end. Speaking about Rowling, the first part of Harry Potter was in my hands for the third time. Just because of the beautiful illustrated art work that made a whole new perspective to the book. This is easily a piece of art that shouldn't be missing in fan collection. I adore it and I go through illustrations many times when I feel down.

Ojoj, o knjigah se že nismo pogovarjali kar nekaj časa. Pogrešala sem to, vendar mi čas ni dopuščal da bi brala več kot si želim. Vendarle pa sem uspela zaključiti nekaj dobrih knjig, ki so vredne branja. Z J.K. Rowling ne moreš nikoli zgrešiti, zato sem se lotila knjige Magične živali. Priznam, zapis v obliki scenarija mi na začetku ni bil pri srcu in mi je deloval potratno. Vendar sem se zapisa hitro navadila in knjiga je drsela kot svila pod mojimi očmi. Knjiga je res prijetna za branje in jo boste končali v zelo kratkem času. Ima ravno dovolj zanimivih elementov, hkrati pa osrednjo zgodbo, ki takoj pritegne. Nikakor ni cenena kopija Harry Potterja, jaz sem v njej tako uživala, da sem pogledala še film. Ko že ravno pišem o Harryju Potterju, novejša ilustrirana verzija prve knjige Kamen modrosti je veličastna. Ilustracije dodajo novo dimenzijo in je prava majhna umetnina. Večkrat jo vzamem v roke in jo občudujem (khm,weirdo).

Love me some adult fantasy and A darker shade of magic by V.E. Schwab was on my obligatory list-to-read. It's where you should start your fantasy journey. Comparing it to Sanderson books, I was a bit let down. I have to be honest, I was expecting more action and unpredictable events that would match up on the end. Instead, I got a pretty average story about a magician and badass woman who turn around the system of several worlds. Honestly, the plot didn't even stick to me. But I've read it pretty fast so it's a nice overal read. I'm not sure if I will continue with other books in this series. Maybe I just got spoilt by brilliant work of Sanderson. 

Najljubše so mi fantazijske knjige in A darker shade of magic od V.E. Schwab je vsekakor dober uvod v ta žanr. Z njo se potovanje začne. Vendar je moj vrstni red branja malo zamešal stvari. Najprej sem prebrala celo trilogijo The Mistborn od Sandersona in ta je pustila velik pečat na meni. Nekako se A darker shade of magic ne more kosati z vznemirljivostjo prejšnje trilogije. Knjiga se mi je malo vlekla, zgodba pa je dokaj klasična. O moškem s čarobno močjo in potepuški ženski, ki se dobro znajde v vsaki situaciji. Zgodba se odvija v Londonu, kjer obstajajo 4 vzporedni svetovi. Koncept je zelo zanimiv, vendar me je osnovna zgodba malo izgubila. Ne vem če bom nadaljevala to serijo knjig. Mogoče me je Sanderson le malo razvadil, bom še prej posegla po njegovih knjigah (na listi želja imam Elantris in Steelheart).

I've finally finished a trilogy that I've started in my childhood, His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman. It's a lot more serious and complicated when you deep dive into last two books. Northern Lights is a really cheerful and easy-going part while it gets darker and darker with the end. I really enjoyed it although I still have to process ideas and secret meanings in this one. It's quite critical to society and it reflects inner emotions people through daemons. I will totally re-read this one in the future, it left me with a lot of questions open.

Končno sem dokončala kultno trilogijo Njegova temna tvar od Phillipa Pullmana. Verjetno vsi najbolje poznate Severni sij, prvi del serije. Vendar se zgodba zaplete in postane veliko temačnejša z zadnjo knjigo. Trilogija ni namenjena le mlajši populaciji (kakor jo ponavadi razvrščajo v knjižnicah), ampak je odraslo čtivo in mi še zdaj buri misli. Ker jo imam v angleščini jo je bilo malce težje brati, zato priporočam izvode v slovenščini. Vsekakor jo bom še enkrat prebrala ko bom imela dovolj časa za sproten premislek, saj vsebuje zgodba ogromno družbenih vprašanj in skritih pomenov. Res priporočam branje.

Sometimes I get really bad sugar cravings and at those times, I turn to Whole Food Energy by Elise Museles (I didn't know she's a blogger until now, wow). Because it's easy to get some wonderful ideas for healthy sweet treats. Not only sweet, there's inspiration for salty office snacks, busy on-the-go treats and healthy smoothies. Majority of the recipes are vegan and made from scratch.

Nisem si mislila da bom tolikokrat uporabila Energijo na polno (napisala jo je blogerka Elise Museles), vendar pride prav ko želim zdrav in hiter posladek. Najboljše je ravno to, da so v njej združeni ''simpl'' recepti za sladke in slane prigrizke, ki so narejeni iz osnovnih živil v vsaki kuhinji. Večinoma so uporabljene zdrave sestavine kot so oreščki, suho sadje, kokosova moka. V njej so tudi ideje smutijev, ploščic, granol in namazov, ki večinoma temeljijo na veganski osnovi. Najraje uporabljam recept za granolo in recept za čokoladne kroglice, njam!

My upcoming Summer reads?
I've got some great finds that I didn't manage to read last year. But certainly I will read them this year. I'm talking about last year's hit from Rosie Walsh, The Man who didn't Call, which was a big hit for my mom. She truly enjoyed the mystery love story. I'm also planning to read One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, this one is on my top list. Supposedly a cult classic about war, love, poverty, death in a city of Latin America. Sounds super interesting especially since I enjoyed similar story from The Muse. Let's not forget my ultimate summer books by Elena Ferrante. Her stories about raw women relationships are seductive, I can't wait to dig into the third part Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay of Neapolitan Novels. If you like to explore relationships and emotions, you will love her description of quite normal life events in Italy. Of course there's also The Bear and the Nightgale (folk inspired story) and A Court of Thorns and Roses (fantasy) that I want to read. Let's have fingers crossed I will manage to read all of them or more.

Moj izbor za poletno branje? 
Odkrito, ga še nimam čisto izpiljenega. Vsekakor bom dokončala O tistih, ki bežijo in o tistih, ki ostajajo od Elene Ferrante. Trenutno zopet požiram njen 3.del in vem, da jo bom hitro končala. Zgodba se tekoče razvija, osebe in čustva v knjigah pa delujejo živo. Obožujem jo. Nato bom verjetno nadaljevala z lansko uspešnico Moški, ki ni poklical. Moja mami jo je lani dobesedno pojedla v nekaj dneh in jo še zdaj velikokrat pohvali, saj zna knjiga razburiti z napeto zgodbo. Prav tako še imam na spisku Sto let samote od Gabriela Garcie Marquez, ki je nedavno prišla k nam v slovenščini. Zgodba mi že na daleč diši po uspehu, saj vsebuje elemente zgodovine Latinske Amerike, vojne, ljubezni, družine. Je ena izmed tistih, ki se jih izredno veselim prijeti v roke (držim pesti da bo vsaj podobna The Muse). In ne smem pozabiti na moji angleški verziji The Bear and the Nightgale (folk zgodba z elementi narave) in A Court of Thorns and Roses (fantazijska fikcija), katere sem zasledila pri tujih bralkah. Zdaj pa držite pesti da preberem vse ali še več. Kaj pa mi ti priporočaš za branje?


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    1. Haha! I need this too. LOL. Author is great. Thankyou so much you all.

  2. Try reading. The subtle art of not giving a fuck. Btw, I love the books you've shared! I'll try to read :)

    1. Thank you, I will. have it on my to-read list.

  3. Summer is one of my favorite seasons. I love to get outside, enjoy the sunshine and read a book.

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  4. Your collection is really great, i'm gonna read that.. You should also try reading The subtle art of not giving a fuck. thankyou so much for sharing this.
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  5. Damn, that's really awesome. Thankyou so much for sharing your list! some of them are already on my to-read list. Try reading the famous five! happy new year 2020

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