12 Oct 2015

NYX Butters You: Butter Lipsticks & Butter Glosses Review

NYX's line of Butter Glosses was highly accepted by all kinds of people. While Butter Lipsticks in particular were not ''the IT'' product, they still raised a lot of dust with so called butter theme that seem to appeal massive hoard of beauty junkies. The funny thing is, that the both lines don't act as butter at all...textures are light and thin on the Butter Lipsticks, while Butter Glosses seem to be rather creamy and pretty thick. If you're thinking about buttery scents, well, you're going to be slightly disappointed in this department as well. As for colors, texture and longevity they seem to deliver a fair amount of quality. 

If we touch the gloss department, NYX Butter Glosses are not sticky at all. They feel creamy with a thicker formula that seems to appeal to masses. The main bonus factor is a yummy vanilla cupcake scent that happens to be the crucial for hyped up line. Texture is creamy with solid colours and without any glitters or shimmers. Due to thicker formula, glosses don't budge as easily but they're not the most long lasting. Staying power is around 2-3 hours. Colour pay off in particular is between sheer and medium, depending how many layers you use. The entire line has scrumptious names as most famous desserts which makes it even more appealing (scents upon names would be a fun treat, I admit). Colors are all in the lines of creamy, pastel versions of most popular shades. Currently I own 4 shades that are universally neutral and easy to wear as I don't hassle with detailed application. My favourites are Angel Food Cake, a dusty mauve rose, and Tiramisu, wearable nude. You can get the whole gloss idea on my lower demo of Angel Food Cake. Lips look nourished but not plump or extra shiny. 

Next up are Butter Lipsticks which are entirely different from what I've expected. Creamy is a word that definitely doesn't suit into their description as they are overly light in texture. Sure, they're quite pigmented for a butter-like lipstick but they apply in thin layers. With two swipes you're ready to go but they seem to lack that extra creamy feel. Don't get me wrong, they are not bad but the formula implants a doubt with first application. For some unknown reason, they don't budge as much, even though highly thin and ''silicone-like'' formula feels like a thin lipbalm (think Lipsmacker). Also, they use up really slowly so one could last for several months. They have no scent and darker shades leave a strong stain. I could easily call them longlasting (darker shades) as they tend to stay on for 4-8 hours, including stain. They tend to settle into corners at first so I suggest using a corresponding lipliner. 

Pops, popular solid rose, is slightly more creamy in texture compared to other two. It's a warmer version of MAC Faux (that means it's more on the Brave side). Hunk, a MAC Rebel-like step brother, looks like a perfect warm berry with micro shimmer and blue sheen. While Licorice, a terrifying burgundy with micro shimmer, transfers as dark wine red. I had troubles only with Licorice as it's pretty slippery at first. After a while, it tends to settle. Pops is fully opaque with one swipe, rather Hunk and Licorice are semi-opaque with 2-3 swipes.

All in all, I'm actually more impressed with Butter Lipsticks. Lighter shades are definitely a hit while Licorice needs some extra attention due to thin texture. Pops is the most solid nude out of the three. While I loved Butter Glosses on first swipe, I'm not that impressed due to large choice of lovely gloss formulas on beauty market. Vanilla cupcake scent tends to disappear with time but the formula itself is not that big of a deal either. It's just a solid, nice product. Still I love the colour selection and cute dessert names. NYX can be bought worldwide on BeautyJoint for affordable prices. For Slovenia, NYX can be found on Moja Drogerija with a smaller selection of colours.


  1. Imam Licorice i super mi je za jesen, volim takve nijanse. Gloss imam u nijansi Madeleine, ali ga slabije koristim. :D

  2. The butter glosses are beautiful ♥ i like the colors :)

  3. Joj bolj kokr šminkice sm gledala prelepo pastelno barvo las in ja, ti si meni najlepša punca s pegicami :D

    1. A se lahko kr tuki pridružim, da ne napišem še enkrat zlo podoben komentar kot Kristina. Dodajam še pa to, da bi mogla večrat nosit temno rdečo! :P

  4. I think Licorice looks exceptionally beautiful on you, too bad it is a hassle to apply.

    Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

  5. Amazing!! Want to try these so bad now haha. Btw, love the pictures!!

    Violeta, http://blogbyvioleta.blogspot.com/

  6. These are both products I've heard endless things about! They sound truly amazing! x


  7. Im in love of the butter lipsticks!!! The colors are amazing! *O*

  8. Love the NYX brand <3 Want to try more lip products though! <3


  9. I love NYX! They have amazing products and especially the lip products are great and long lasting!

    Annie | DrugstoreDreamer

  10. nyx offers such great value for money. haven't tried any of the above but they sound so good.


  11. The Butter Glosses are some of my fave light glosses from my collation even though I've only tried a few. Bu I have to say I am so tempted to pick up the Butter Lipsticks next, they look & sound gorgeous. Licorice is a stunning shade x

    Beauty with charm

  12. I haven't tried any of the butter glosses yet, but I have one of the lipsticks in Hunk and I was quite impressed by it! I love that the color has a tiny bit of translucency to it with the thinner formula as it helps it feel a bit more comfortable on the lips. The shades in these lines are so goooorgeous as well :}



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