27 Aug 2015

Huge Overview of MeMeMe Cosmetics

MeMeMe Cosmetics or should I say heavenly drugstore brand from the UK, is far from only being an angelic one night stand. UK girls are by now quite familiar with the brand and concept as MeMeMe Cosmetics is quite openly minded to bloggers and their audience. After months of trying I've come to conclusion that it's quite a solid brand with generally great brow products and blushes, while concealers surprise with texture and shade chart. It's also good to note that they ship worldwide from their website and are stocked in Slovenia at Moja Drogerija.

MeMeMe ali nebeško navdihnjena kozmetika iz Velike Britanije še zdaleč ni angelska enodnevnica. MeMeMe je dokaj ustaljena znamka v tujini, saj da le-ta velik poudarek na mnenje blogerske sfere in njihovih bralcev. Po več-mesečnem testiranju sem prišla do zaključka v tej krilati zagati. Znamka je vsekakor vredna ogleda saj preseneča z dobrimi produkti za obrvi, odličnimi rdečili in zanimivimi korektorji z nenavadno selekcijo barv. Dobro bi si bilo zapisati, da je MeMeMe na voljo tudi v Sloveniji. In sicer v spletni prodajalni Moja Drogerija. Sedaj pa poletimo v višave!

MeMeMe Flawless Cream Foundation (about 18,79€) in 01 Porcelain Pure could be a hit or a miss depending on your skintone and skintype. It's a rather thick foundation that borders on mousse-like consistency and has a dual satin/matte finish. I was particularly confused but intrigued at the same time. Foundation feels soothing and rich on my dry skin while other skintypes might not like heavy duty texture. Surprisingly it has only medium coverage and a distinct earthy-floral scent. I'm sad to note that the lightest shade is far too dark for my pale skintone (think lighter than Bourjois Healthy Mix 51) but matches my summer ''tan'' at about a shade or two darker. 

MeMeMe Flawless Cream Foundation (18,79€, tukaj) v 01 Porcelain Pure je lahko tvegana izbira. Tvegana zato, ker je zelo specifično ustvarjena za suho kožo glede na težko in hranljivo teksturo. Je kremni tekoči puder za kar se ga vsekakor občuti na obrazu in ima hkrati pusti satenasto-mat občutek. Prav tako se najsvetlejši odtenek nikakor ne ujema z mojim svetlim tonom kože (ki je svetlejši od Bourjois Healthy Mix 51). Na srečo lahko uporabljam ta srednje prekriven puder v poletnih mesecih, ko imam kožo temnejšo za odtenek ali dva. Cenim, da ima priročno pumpico.

MeMeMe Flawless Loose Powder Translucent (about 11,36€) is definitely staying in my everyday stash. While it's not entirely translucent it leaves a slight tinge of colour, suitable for people with light (but not fair) or medium skintone. Still, I light to use it with a light hand and dusting motion as I'm a massive fan of loose powders. They offer the most beautiful and natural finish on the skin and extend your foundation wear. 

MeMeMe Flawless Loose Powder Translucent (11,36€, tukaj) bo vsekakor stalnica v moji dnevni rutini z ličili. Naravnost obožujem pudre v prahu saj podajo najbolj naraven zaključek, hkrati pa lepo podaljšajo obstojnost pudra brez mat učinka. Tale prah vsekakor ni prosojen ampak ima malce barve, ki se ujema s svetlimi in srednjimi teni kože. Hkrati vsebuje minimalno število svetlikajočih delcov, ki so vidni na soncu. Nič pretiranega a hkrati poživi ten. Sama ga uporabljam minimalno, toliko da se čopič narahlo dotakne kože.

Now this is a perfect example of a perfect concealer for fair skintones. MeMeMe Flawless Concealer 04 Porcelain (about 9,81€) is absolutely the lightest shade of concealer I have tried. It's lighter than Collection Lasting Perfection concealer in 1 Fair and has a distinct yellow undertone. Score for my blue under eye circles! I can conceal my dark circles AND highlight with it. For my fair complexion it's way too light which never happened to me. So ladies, if you're on a hunt for extra light concealer, this one is a match. Texture is pleasantly creamy with medium coverage but also buildable. Stays put for a good few hours and doesn't crease around your eye area.

MeMeMe Flawless Concealer v odtenku 04 Porcelain (9,81€, tukaj) je čudovit primer za najsvetlejši korektor za svetlopolte dame. Je verjetno prvi (in zadnji) svetel odtenek, ki je na moji koži skoraj presvetel. Kar je enostavno neverjetno, glede na to da ima naš trg premalo svetlih odtenkov za bledične gospodične. Ne le da lahko z njim posvetlim predel okoli oči, hkrati lahko z njim osvetljujem predele obraza ker je tako svetel. Tekstura je prav tako dobra in nudi srednjo prekrivnost. Ni pregost, ni preredek - ravno prav. Se ne prenaša na obrazu in obstane za dobrih nekaj ur. Vsekakor priporočam če še vedno iščete svetel odtenek z rumenim podtonom.

MeMeMe Correct & Perfect Concealer Kit - Taupe (about 7,86€) has a similar concept as some high end brands. You get a creamy concealer with a yellow tinge on the top and a finely milled yellow powder on the bottom. They both combine into a perfect dark circle kit. At first, I was convinced it's highly potent product for covering blemishes and imperfections. Wrong. It's actually meant for dark under eye circles because the texture of creamy concealer is highly creamy yet sheer and buildable. Powder itself sets everything into place. Taupe actually matches my face as I have pronounced blue dark circles. Easily blendable but still sets and doesn't transfer into smaller eye wrinkles. A handy little thing.

MeMeMe Correct & Perfect Concealer Kit - odtenek Taupe (7,86€, tukaj) ima podoben koncept korektorja kot višje cenovne znamke. Sama sem bila prepričana da je korektor močno prekriven in tako primeren za nepravilnosti. Tekstura zgornjega kremnega dela je tako prosojna in hkrati prekrivna, da je lahko odlična le za podočnjake. Ima malce rumenega podtona kar dobro prekrije modre podočnjake. Nikakor ni pretežek in se ne nabira v gubah. Rumenkast prah v spodnjem delu zaključi in učvrsti kremni korektor kot v sanjah. Odtenek Taupe dejansko pristaja moji barvi podočnjakov in jih ne potemni. Vsekakor priročna mala stvarca.

MeMeMe Blush Me Pink (about 8,95€) packaging is obviously similar to Benefit Box o'Powders. While I'm obsessed with original versions from Benefit, MeMeMe version isn't bad either. It has everything a good boxed blush should have - mirror, soft brush and cute design. Pink shade is definitely right up my alley as it contains small silver shimmer particles for adding additional angelic glow. It's a bright cool toned pink that never goes out of fashion. Longevity is standard while texture is finely milled and soft. This just passed the test and joined my Benefit collection.

MeMeMe Blush Me Pink rdečilo (8,95€, tukaj) me najprej spomni na dobro poznana Benefit rdečila. Medtem ko sem sama strastna zbirateljica Benefitovih škatlic, me je tudi MeMeMe verzija prijetno presenetila. Ima vse kar mora imeti dobro rdečilo v škatlici - veliko ogledalo, odličen in mehak čopič ter srčkan potisk. Odtenek Pink mi je pisan na kožo saj pričara angelski sijaj na ličkih z srebrnimi lesketajočimi delci. Barva je močna, hladna roza ki ne gre nikoli iz mode. Glede obstojnosti nimam problemov, tekstura pa je dobro mleta in mehka. Tale škatlica je opravila test z odliko in se je že pridružila moji Benefit družinici.

With MeMeMe Beat the Blues - Oyster Gold (about 8,16€) is was feeling brave to venture into world of warm and gold highlighters. While Oyster Gold might not suit my neutral skintone as nicely as to my fellow warm toned ladies, I'm pretty pleased with final result. Shimmers are subtle and glow is pretty undetectable unless you're outdoors. It has a nail polish like brush for easy and precise application. There's also a pink version of Beat the Blues.

MeMeMe Beat the Blues v odtenku Oyster Gold (8,16€, tukaj) me je privlačil z nenavadno embalažo v obliki laka. Nanos s čopičem je tako enostaven in natančen. Sam produkt ni kaj dosti pigmentiran in se zlahka zabriše le v tančico sijaja, ki je vidna le na soncu. Najlažje se uporablja kot osvetljevalec ličnic in notranjih kotičkov očes. Odtenek sicer ni idealen za svetlo kožo, bi pa prišel do izraza pri zagorelih in rumenih tonih kože. Prav tako obstaja rožnat podton istega osvetljevalca. 

MeMeMe Arch Angel Tinted Brow Gel and Highlighting Cream (about 13,35€) is my top pick out of the bunch. Shade Light Brown matches my brows perfectly while ultra flashy champagne highlighter is to die for. I'm in love with the highlighter end as it's highly pigmented without any bigger particles. It's subtle yet potent and perfect for defining arched brow or giving light to your inner eye corners. Brow Gel is quite pigmented without any warm tones and has a convenient small brush that provides streak-free brows. In love with this product, quite a multitasker on the go.

MeMeMe Arch Angel Tinted Brow Gel & Highlighting Cream (13,35€, tukaj) je moja najljubša izbira iz nabora njihovih izdelkov. Odtenek Light Brown je odličen za vse svetlolaske in rjavolaske, saj ima gel za obrvi dokaj hladen podton. Gel je dobro pigmentiran in ima odlično kratko krtačko, s katero ne bo težav pri razčesavanju. Osvetljevalec iz tega seta je absoluten favorit z odličnim kremastim odtenkom in močnimi sijočimi delci. Popolno poskrbi za osvetlitev loka pod obrvmi, hkrati pa odpre pogled če ga nanesemo v notranje kotičke oči. Osvetljevalec se z lahkoto nanaša z aplikatorjem. Enostaven produkt s katerim lahko ustvarite različne videze.

MeMeMe Gaia Satin Lip Cream in Cherub Blush (about 10,94€) is unfortunately a miss for me. It's sad to say but I'm not pleased with this particular product. I've been struggling with odd formula since day one and it just went downhill afterwards. Firstly, Cherub Blush is an unflattering orange-nude for my pale complexion. It could look gorgeous on warm and tan skintones but it's a no-no for me. I often mix it with taupe lipliners and mauve lipsticks. The main problem is creamy texture as the name Lip Cream suggests. It's far too melty and creamy for tube packaging while I enjoyed formula on my lips. Also, it smells awfully after earthy soil. Similar experience also had Sanja and Taya. Other lipstick shades might be different but generally, just pass their lipstick line. Sorry MeMeMe, I tried to like it.

MeMeMe Gaia Satin Lip Cream v Cherub Blush (10,94€, tukaj) je na žalost izdelek, ki me ni navdušil. Z njim imam težave odkar sem ga prvič dobila v roke in od takrat najprej je šlo vse skupaj še navzdol. Kot prvič, odtenek nikakor ne pristaja svetlejšim tonom kože saj ima močno toplo bazo nude odtenka. Vonj hkrati spominja na zemeljsko prst in ni nikakor prijeten. Čeprav odtenek rada mešam s hladnejšimi toni, zelo kremasta tekstura enostavno ne zdrži pritiska v embalaži. Izdelek je enostavno premehak in prekremast, da bi se lahko obdržal v tubi. Podobne izkušnje si lahko preberete tudi na blogu Sanje in Taye. Ostali odtenki morebiti niso tako kritični, vendar bi se za vsak slučaj izognila tej liniji šmink. Oprosti MeMeMe, res sem se trudila s tem izdelkom.

I've also prepared a makeup look where you can see all mentioned products in action. MeMeMe Brow Gel is combined with brow pencil, while I added Highlighting Cream from Arch Angel duo into my inner eye area. Blush Me Pink is on my cheeks along with Oyster Gold highlighter while my base consists out of Flawless Cream Foundation (mixed with white foundation), Flawless Loose Powder and both concealers under my eyes. Unfortunate Cherub Blush Lip Cream is paired with NYX 1000 Years lipliner. All MeMeMe products can be purchased in the UK or worldwide on their website.

Prav tako sem se naličila z omenjenimi izdelki, da jih lahko vidite v akciji. MeMeMe Brow Gel sem kombinirala z barvico za obrvi, medtem ko sem nanesla osvetljevalec iz istega seta Arch Angel pod obrvi in v notranje kotičke očesa. Blush Me Pink je skupaj z Oyster Gold osvetljevalcem na mojih ličnicah, bazo pa sestavlja Flawless Cream Foundation (zmešano z belim pudrom) in Flawless Loose Powder. Oba korektorja sem uporabila pod očmi za prekrivanje podočnjakov. Nesrečna šminka v odtenku Cherub Blush Gaia je v kombinaciji s sivim odtenkom svinčnika za ustnice, NYX 1000 Years, videti še dokaj dobro na svetli koži. Vse MeMeMe izdelke si lahko ogledate in naročite preko Moja Drogerija.


  1. Vau, super ocena, čudovito jo je bilo brati. Mene so razen šminke tudi vsi izdelki navdušili. Sem bila kar presenečena, ker nisem pričakovala take kvalitete.
    Dejansko šminka, kombinirana s sivo, ful lepo izgleda.Sem pa očitno edina, ki se ji šminka ni niti malo raztopila.

    1. Srečka z šminko, jaz bi jo drugače vsekakor obdržala če se mi ne bi stopila in zlomila.

  2. wow, you are looking so so beautiful! I like the products. But I think that we dont have any of this label in Germany. I really love the chic design ot the products.
    best wishes, paapatya, www.paapatya.blogspot.de

  3. *-* Oh my gosh...the lipstick swatched didn't look that great, but at the end it suits you very well!

  4. That highlighter looks just dreamy!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  5. Omajgad, je možno, da je ta korektor tok svetel kot od Nars Chantily? Ta blusher in makeup na očeh izgleda tako kjut na tebi <3

    1. Ja možno, pa še rumen podton ima. Je sigurno svetlejši od Collection 1 Fair :)
      hvala Mateja!

  6. Fab overview <3 I have been meaning to try this brand more!


  7. Such beautiful photos! I really like MeMeMe but I do think their prices are a little high for what you get x

    Gemma ♥ Miss Makeup Magpie

  8. You look like a doll! For real :D To je kompliment ;) Vse ti super paše. Ne morem verjeti kako svetel je korektor. Vsekakor gre na mojo wish listo. In Oyster Gold - OMG, zdaj si pojem zraven Me Me Me! :) Končno razumem koncept te znamke, ko vidiš izdelek, si jih želiš :D

    1. O hvala Petra ;) prava faca si, Oyster Gold tudi mene takoj spomni na tebe.

  9. Ne vem zakaj nikoli ne dam preveč pažnje na to znamko....blush je noro, noro dober odtenek, tak čisto zame <3

  10. Nice colours! It looks good quality/price products.
    Thanks for share!


I would love to know your thoughts ♥