15 Jul 2015

Best Dreamy Nude Nail Polish - Bourjois Chair et tendre

If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you've probably noticed my obsession with utterly charming Bourjois nail polish from La Laque line. I'm not talking about classic red from previous posts (read about Cherry'd amour here), instead, I've fallen in love with  a stunning, balanced nude called Chair et tendre. It has all the properties of a flattering nude - has a perfect mix of peach and pink while strong white base to make it noticeable on tan skin. Still, my chubby fingers are in no case tan whatsoever but Chair et tendre still manages to add a warmth to my skin. Beautifully poetic. Ever since I bought this nail polish on offer, I can't seem to stop wearing it, even though I was not interested in wearing nail polish for quite some time. It awakened my nail polish love.

02 Chair et tendre is a balanced pink-peach with strong white undertones and a hint of silver satin shimmer which are not visible on nails. Also, it looks slightly more peachy in person. It leaves a gorgeous creamy finish and it's opaque with only 1-2 swipes. Formula is a bit thicker than with regular nail polishes. Without topcoat, Chair et tendre lasts good 5 days which is a huge success in my book. If you fancy new bright but still subtle nude, Chair et tendre will blow your mind. Sophisticated but still unusually different. La Laques retail for around 7,18€ while you can often snap them on offer. It's tough to get me so excited over a single nail polish, so Chair et tendre is pretty exceptional in my book.


  1. That truly is the best nude shade <3


  2. Fuuul je lep tale, samo imam zadnje čase preveč takšnih odtenkov. :(

  3. So pretty, love that it lasts a good amount of time too - always a good thing! x

  4. Takih odtenkov imam zeloo zelo malo, sem ga ze gledala v DMu, ampak cena</3

  5. prelep..sicer imam že kar nekaj nude odtenkov, ampak tale je tak special:) je pa res kar visoka cena. Bom počakala, glede na to koliko lakcev še imam in nekaterih še sploh nisem sprobala, na kakšen dm popust, ali pa kuponček, ko bodo na znižanju sej Bourjois lakci so v dmu pogosto kj znižani:)

  6. Sem ga ravno zadnjič kupila in upam, da bo meni tudi tako zelo všeč :D

  7. This is such a stunning shade and definitely reminds me of Essie's 'Fiji'.


  8. Je še vedno na moji wishlisti :) I need it :)

  9. Hi Sara,

    This is the best nude nail polish I've seen these days!
    It looks so lovely on nails, well.. on your nails!
    So neat!

    Oh thank you for sharing your thoughts about this.

    Btw, I just followed you on Twitter and Bloglovin :)

    Jhem | JhemSays.com

  10. Ohhh I need this one in my ife!

  11. Ta je res lep <3 Samo bojim se, da ga bom grdo razmazala na nohte, ker niso popolnoma gladki. :/

  12. Kok dober odtenek!
    x, Katja


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