14 Apr 2012

Mail of the month- Beauty UK (review)

Today's post will be a bit different...I will write in English (of course) and also exceptionally in Slovenian language for any domestic readers. This week I was surprised by a Slovenian online make-up store Ličila.si who was kindly enough to donate and support my blog with a few products.

Današnja objava bo malce drugačna ... Pisala bom tako v angleščini (seveda) in izjemoma tudi v slovenskem jeziku za vse domače bralce. Ta teden me je presenetila slovenska spletna trgovina Ličila.si ki so bili dovolj prijazni, da so mi podarili in podprli moj blog z nekaj izdelki. Rada bi se zahvalila celotni ekipi za prijaznost

My first surprise was with the BH cosmetics smudge brush. I have a lot of Sigma, Kirkland, Ecotools, MAC brushes (and other local brushes in the drugstore) but this one is actually really good...comparing it to others. It's soft enough and a bit stiff but I find it perfect for applying crease eyeshadow (if you have big eyes) and blending out really harsh edges. I was never drawn to BH brushes but I'm seriously thinking to get their fluff brush.
Moje prvo presenečenje je bilo z BH cosmetics smudge čopičem. Imam veliko Sigma, Kirkland, Ecotools čopičev (in druge lokalne čopiče iz drogerij) ampak ta je pravzaprav res dober ...v primerjavi z ostalimi očesnimi čopiči. Je dokaj mehek in nekoliko trd vendar se mi zdi kot nalašč za nanos senčila v predelu gube (če imate velike oči) in za brisanje zelo ostrih robov senčil. Nikoli me niso pritegnili čopiči z slovenskega trga ker sem imela že dosti slabih izkušenj vendar resno razmišljam da bi še dokupila njihov fluff čopič.

This Beauty UK (7) lipstick is amazing for the small price you pay. It has safe and sturdy packaging (which MUA, Essence don't have unfortunately), nice texture and a lovely pink-red (almost salmon) color. I don't find it drying on my lips and I actually didn't have to apply lip balm before usage. I have too much lipsticks but I couldn't find any really similar dupe for the color 7 (In the buff). The nearest ones are NYX Tea rose and NARS Niagara which you can't get in Slovenia anyway.
Ta šminka od Beauty UK (In the buff) je neverjetna za svojo malo ceno. Ima super embalažo (ki je cenejše šminke kot MUA, Essence nimajo), zelo lepo mazljivo teksturo in tudi neverjetno barvo v odtenku srednje roza-rdeče (skoraj losos barva). Ne izsuši ustnic in ni bilo treba uporabiti balzama za ustnice pred nanosom. Imam preveč šmink (okoli 40) vendar nisem mogla najti nobene res podobne barve kot je 7 (In the buff). Najbližji so NYX Tea Rose in NARS Niagara, ki pa jih ne moremo kupiti v Sloveniji.

L to R: Beauty UK 7, Nars Niagara, NYX Tea rose

Beauty UK palette in Glitz looks a bit scary at first sight but it's actually quite nice to mix up some new looks or to get out smokey eyes, neutral eyes, blue smokey eyes and some pastel looks with the pink eyeshadow. The pigmentation isn't bad but you'll have to consider some fallouts and crumbling. The glitters do transfer on the skin so it would be good for any night-out looks. For the price you can't actually miss.
Beauty UK paleta Glitz izgleda malo strašljivo na prvi pogled ampak je pravzaprav uporabna za več videzev kot so ''smokey eyes'', ''nevtralen look'', moder ''smokey look'' in tudi pastelna roza ki je super za pastelni videz z malo maskare. Pigmentacija ni slaba vendar je treba upoštevati malo drobljenja senčk in uporabo pudra šele po uporabi senčil. Bleščice so vidne na koži zato bi bila paleta boljša za večerni make-up. Z tako majhno ceno se ne da zgrešiti te vsestranske palete.

I tried all the products in one look and it turned out really nice. I fell in love with the cool silver-grey shade and the Beauty UK lipstick. I mixed up the lipstick with the Barry M 147 lipstick to make it a bit more reddish for the Katy Perry look. See the entire make-up look HERE.

Vse izdelke sem tudi preizkusila na sebi in sem bila navdušena nad končnim izgledom. Najbolj sta mi všeč senčka iz palete (srebrno-sive barve- zelo nenavadna barva) in šminka In the buff. Za kopiran videz Katy Perry (celotna objava za ta videz je TUKAJ) sem omenjeno šminko zmešala z Barry M 147(Peachy pink) šminko, ki pa se jo prav tako lahko dobi pri Licila.si

 Lots of love,


  1. Everything looks great!!!! Love the palette!!!

  2. Lovely post! Beauty UK have some lovely products, their nail polishes are gorgeous! xoxo

    1. Really? I'll have to try them out :) thanks!

  3. I've never seen such pigmented lipsticks before. That's amazing!

  4. Hi Sara,

    Thankyou for you comment on my earlier post - I replied to you on there but just incase you didn't see it:

    Hi Sara, yes it is 3 for 2 for every customer (you don't need to have an advantage card to get this, or any other offer) I def love Boots for drugstore makeup and nail polish, everything is set out clearly and easily. Hope you enjoy London shopping x

  5. I love the colors of those lipsticks :) lovely!

    And by the way; the price of the studded flats from Topshop is £28.


I would love to know your thoughts ♥